Northern Mid-Atlantic: SE-PA/N-VA/MD/NJ/DE Region

Rich May peaches ripening up nicely. Looks like these will be before apricots.


Will it size up at all, or do I have to accept cherry-sized apricots? They stopped growing noticeably larger over a month ago.

@growjimgrow What do you think of those? I grafted them this year myself. Looks like I finally found one that is early.

@BG1977 If it’s the first year they may not do much. Mine are fairly good size and not far from ripe.

Rainier cherries coming in perfect. Stella at the bottom, but not quite ripe. Have to mention. The white cherries (rainier and white gold) are doing well, while all of the red cherries are being ripped to shreds by birds.


It’s not a first year tree, just a first year crop, haha. First year I actually got fruit. The tree is good sized.

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Here are two that were a little soft on top. Picked on June 13. I’m going to let them ripen for a few days and I’ll post back. Third year tree with about 40 peaches on it. I had one or two last year and remember them being good, but I got them for their earliness. Tree grew great and only three organic sprays.


Very nice. How big is the trunk caliper and canopy?

Not sure off the top of my head. I can get a picture tonight and let you know.

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Maybe I need to be growing Rich May. This is as early as cherries. How fantastic.

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Remind me in the winter and I’ll send some scions over.

I don’t need a whole tree of these, just enough until the Methley plums start. I think I may try grafting a branch over to a nice nectarine. Hope you are well Drew.


Thanks a bunch, Jim. Good growing here with few diseases and trees full of baby fruit. This dry spring probably help with that. The trees have their roots deep in the ground so no problem for them waiting a little for some rain.

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Looks about 2.5-3 inches.

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@growjimgrow you take excellent care of your trees. :+1: :+1: :+1: Great job.

Between deer and heavy clay, most of my 3rd leaf trees are not nearly as big. Few may only be 1.5 inch caliper.


Mormon (chinese) apricot. Little rot and pc beginning to show, but a good year still. Hope I can go all the way with limited rot.


Looks delicious and lovely photo!

This apricot didn’t fruit this year due to the late frosts. It had a few fruit actually, but I didn’t spray in time so they had a lot of việc damage and dropped. So it has been very busy growing instead.

I’m going to do some summer pruning but wondering if there is time for flower buds to set on new growth or do I need to be careful to leave enough older wood that already appears to have flower buds?


Just give it a quick buzz cut (take out half or more of those long limbs). In the winter you can then thin out the excess shoots. I don’t bother with the summer pruning any more myself, I just let the new shoots get 20’ long or whatever crazy thing they want to do, then completely remove many of them in the winter.

Quick question. On your figs. How many years out of 10 do you get a crop?

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10/10 for me and there are usually too many for me to eat them all fresh.

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5/10 for me. When they all die to the ground I get no figs for several years. Last winter was close, I lost a lot of wood and a couple died back to the ground. It can Yo-Yo, you can go ten years with figs every year and then ten with only two years of figs. All based on the winters.

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