It looks like Mark and Scott need a hazmat suit.
I am with Scott about perfect apples vs ruined peaches this year. This was with a minimal effort on apples and a lot of time and energy on peaches.
It looks like Mark and Scott need a hazmat suit.
I am with Scott about perfect apples vs ruined peaches this year. This was with a minimal effort on apples and a lot of time and energy on peaches.
I had not not heard of OFM before reading this post last night. I found one cutting up pears for cider and pear butter today.
After googling, I don’t see much of a distinction between OFM and Codling Moth. I think this may have been OFM because I found allot of damage but most of the seeds were intact.
Generally codling moth affects pears and apples most commonly in this area. Codling moth and OFM are indistinguishable unless you look at them under a lens. This is about the perfect time in KS for second generation codling moth.
You’re probably right. I just remembered OFM being described as pinkish in the post. Guess i never looked at codling moth that close. Moth pressure seems very high here because of walnut trees nearby.
It would seem very probable to me since you have lots of walnut trees near that it’s codling moth. Codling not only goes after pomes, but walnuts are also a favorite.
Here is a link to differentiate the two.