Ok..these look bad (tomatoes)

I actually gave them some DynaGro Foliage Pro, I have to say they seem to like it. The newer leaves do not have the curling. They do have a bit of the purpleish hue, but they are not cupped or curled.

At the end of the day, I feel like they may not be the prettiest tomato plants in the world, but they should transplant fine and bear fine for me.

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It looks as if you have already figured things out, but this looks like a temperature issue and not a nutrient deficiency (insomuch that the issue is nutrient uptake and not the amount of nutrients in the soil). Unless you’re using a seed starting mix with zero nutrients, my experience with seedlings indoors is that most problems that look like a nutrient deficiency are actually nutrient uptake problems from the temperature or an issue with the lights.

I planted them out earlier this month. As iffy as they looked…


They look beautiful now!!!