Old home pear

These pears are challenging to find now. Here is what they say


  • 14 Sep 2022 Wade Mitchell

We had these pear trees where I grew up in SE Texas.(Zone 9a) The flesh is very hard but sugary sweet with a tough but thin skin. The core and seeds are small; most of the pear is edible meat. I enjoy them fresh, but they may be too hard for some folks’ liking. They’re great for canning and preserving as well as for baking. Like a Granny Smith apple, they hold their shape very well if baked into a pie. With four trees on a couple of acres, we usually had an abundance of them. After eating all we could, canning, and giving them away to friends, we always wound up feeding excess to our horses. They loved them as much as we did.

  • 17 Apr 2018 Jeff SnyderMICHIGAN, United States

We’ve enjoyed these pears for decades from one tree in our farm orchard. Did not know its name until now, but there’s no mistaking it. Hard & sugar sweet with a nice aroma. Excellent keeper as well.


The rootstock fruit of old home x bartlett isn’t very different


Old Home x Bartlett?

Genetic fingerprinting reveals a case of mistaken identity.

December 2013 Issue

Geraldine Warner // November 26, 2013

Farmingdale pears are elongated with a swelling at the stem end.

Frank Reimer, pomologist at Oregon State University, first encountered Old Home and Farmingdale in an orchard in Illinois during his extensive search for pear germplasm with resistance to fireblight.

Old Home x Farmingdale pear rootstocks, which have been widely used by the U.S. pear industry for many years, should actually be called Old Home x Bartlett, it turns out.

Genetic fingerprinting done at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Clonal Germplasm Repository in Corvallis, Oregon, revealed that it is impossible for Farmingdale to be the pollen parent of any of the several OHxF rootstocks tested.

This prompted Joseph Postman, curator of the repository, to retrace the story behind the OHxF rootstocks. It begins a century ago when Oregon State University pomologist Frank Reimer began scouring the world for pear germplasm with resistance to fireblight, a disease that had made its first appearance in Oregon’s Rogue River Valley in 1906. Reimer was the first superintendent of the OSU Southern Oregon Experiment Station near Medford.

Two of his most important discoveries came from a 1915 visit with fruit grower Benjamin Buckman in Farmingdale, Illinois. One was the cultivar Farmingdale, an open-pollinated seedling that Buckman had found near a d’Anjou pear tree on his farm. The other was Old Home, a seedling that had come from a nursery in Illinois some years earlier. Both these trees were completely free of fireblight. Reimer took scion wood of Old Home back to the Southern Oregon Experiment Station and had Farmingdale scions sent to him several years later.

After more than a decade of testing the many pear species in OSU’s collection, Reimer found only three European cultivarsFarmingdale, Longworth, and Old Homethat had excellent blight resistance when used as trunk stocks.

After Buckman died, the original Farmingdale and Old Home trees in Illinois were destroyed, and the trees at OSU became the primary source of nursery stock.

Fireblight resistant

Reimer found in the 1930s that when Farmingdale was used as a pollen parent in crosses with other blight-resistant selections, a high percentage of the resulting seedlings were highly resistant to fireblight, especially when the seed parent was Old Home.

Although crosses between other blight-resistant parents also produced seedlings that were resistant to blight, many of those seedlings became infected when a susceptible cultivar such as Bartlett or Bosc was grafted onto them. In those cases, fireblight could spread from an infected cultivar across the graft union into the rootstock. In contrast, the OHxF seedlings were resistant even to the spread of fireblight from a grafted cultivar.

One of Reimer’s goals was to establish a mother block of Old Home and Farmingdale trees in Medford to generate seed for producing blight-resistant seedling rootstocks. However, Lyle Brooks, owner of Daybreak Nursery in Forest Grove, Oregon, became concerned about the variability of pear cultivars grafted onto OHxF seedling rootstocks. Collaborating with Dr. Mel Westwood at OSU, Corvallis, he set out to develop clonal rootstocks from those two parents.

In 1950, he obtained half a kilogram of seeds from what he described as an isolated block of Old Home trees planted with Farmingdale pollinizers at the Canadian Department of Agriculture Research Unit near Summerland, British Columbia. It now appears that Bartlett must have been planted in the vicinity of the Summerland pear block where Brooks obtained the seeds.


Of the 2,000 seedlings he grew from those seeds, 516 were planted in a nursery block for evaluation. Thirteen of the more easily propagated selections were evaluated in trials for disease resistance and many other traits, including hardiness, precocity, compatibility with pear varieties, and tolerance to pear decline, as well as resistance to fireblight.

Several, including OHxF 69, 87, 97, and 333, were patented in 1988 by Carlton Nursery, which was operated by the Brooks family. The rootstocks have been propagated worldwide and continue to be in high demand, though some lack the size control and precocity needed for high-density orchards.

More than 40 of the OHxF selections are preserved at the National Clonal Germplasm Repository. In 2009, Postman and ARS plant geneticist Dr. Nahla Bassil did genetic fingerprinting of pears in the collection and found that d’Anjou was very likely the maternal parent of Farmingdale, as Buckman and Reimer had suspected.

They then went on to do genetic paternity testing of six OHxF selections (51, 69, 87, 97, 230, and 333), along with a number of other cultivars. All the OHxF selections proved to be related to Old Home, but the tests showed that Farmingdale was highly unlikely to be a pollen parent. On the other hand, there was a strong indication that Bartlett was genetically related to all those selections.


Postman said this explained what had been something of a puzzle to him over the years: While fruit of the OHxF selections in the germplasm collection resembles Old Home, which has a distinctive round shape, it does not at all resemble Farmingdale. The shape of OHxF fruit tends to be intermediate between that of Old Home and Bartlett. Similarly, the foliage of the OHxF selections resembles the foliage of Old Home but not Farmingdale.

Lynnell Brandt, president of Brandt’s Fruit Trees in Yakima, Washington, said his father Everette worked at Carlton Nursery during the time when Brooks was testing the OHxF rootstocks to identify the most promising ones. Lynnell, who joined the staff of Carlton Nursery in the late 1970s, said he felt confident that both Brooks and Westwood believed that Farmingdale was the pollinizing parent.

“Who were we to question those two?” he asked. “They were the world’s leaders in pear understocks. And it seems strange to me, because Lyle would definitely notice the difference between Bartlett and Farmingdale. He would have known the leaves were different.”

Postman said the fact that the OHxF rootstocks have no Farmingdale heritage means that the highly fireblight-resistant Farmingdale is under-represented in the pedigrees of the pear rootstocks currently used in the pear industry as well as in the parent material being used in rootstock breeding programs.

Although Farmingdale is not likely to instill either dwarfing or precocity in its offspring, Farmingdale germplasm should be reconsidered if fireblight resistance is to be an important genetic trait in future pear cultivars and rootstocks, he suggests.

Future DNA fingerprinting in the USDA pear gene bank should help breeders better understand the paternity of parents when making crosses to develop improved varieties, he added.

The question now is whether the OHxF rootstocks should be renamed. The patent expired in 2005, so no one owns the OHxF name.

“Water’s gone under the bridge for so long, so whether they’re Bartlett or Farmingdale, everyone will probably continue to call them OHxF so things don’t get confused,” said Joe Dixon, sales representative with Carlton Plants. “There’s really nobody who would rename them or have the rights to do so, I don’t think.” •"

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Interesting read. I keep seeing Old Home on those fireblight charts of yours and I’m happy to know more about it.

1 Like


This is where the harrow pears shine 25 Harrow pear varieties


When we go back to lists like this one we know where the disease tolerance comes from.

Growing the farmingdale for many years now. It is fireblight free Farmingdale pear for seedling rootstocks! . If we look at ohxf rootstocks they are actually old home x bartlett. They are very closely related to harrow delight and harrow sweet in that 2 of the 3 pears used are the same types. Early sweet pear is the only difference. Purdue 80-51 is more or less the same as a rootstock. Everyone knows i talk a lot about rootstock Pear rootstocks influence on Fruit size


Great read. Thanks. Might have to let a couple of the OHxF 87 rootstocks rip and see how they taste.


Good summary of the subject. I’d heard the Bartlett rather than Farmingdale story previously.

1 Like

" Early in the 20th century, a collection of fire blight resistant pears from around the world was assembled in southern Oregon in efforts to develop improved rootstocks. ‘Old Home’ and ‘Farmingdale’ are two cultivars from Illinois that exhibited fire blight resistance and useful horticultural traits. Both became important as interstem stocks and as parents in the development of new rootstocks. In the 1950s, an Oregon nurseryman collected seed from an ‘Old Home’ tree in British Columbia pollinated by ‘Farmingdale’ and hundreds of numbered selections of this cross ‘Old Home’ x ‘Farmingdale’ (OHxF) were evaluated. Several OHxF selections are now used as rootstocks worldwide, and 45 unique OHxF selections are maintained at the USDA-ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository (NCGR), in Corvallis, Oregon. Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) or microsatellite-based profiles were generated for ‘Old Home’, ‘Farmingdale’, 8 OHxF selections, and standard pear cultivars at NCGR using a standard fingerprinting set developed by the European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources. ‘Farmingdale’ is thought to be a seedling of ‘Beurr d’Anjou’, and shared at least one SSR allele at each locus tested, confirming this parental relationship. All OHxF selections shared an allele with ‘Old Home’ at each locus, with one allele carrying a suspected pair of base deletions. However, based on the SSR results, it is impossible for ‘Farmingdale’ to be the pollen parent for any of the OHxF selections examined. Evaluation of the world pear collection at NCGR with this fingerprinting set will help identify the actual pollen parent of these rootstocks.

Frank C. Reimer traveling while investigating pears in northern China in 1919.

. Pear selections reported to have either ‘Old Home’ or ‘Farmingdale’ in the pedigree, and USDA gene- bank accession numbers.

HortScience cover in 1967 showing F. Reimer by original Old Home tree recently transplanted to Talent, Oregon.

. Pear selections reported to have both ‘Old Home’ and ‘Farmingdale’ in pedigree, and USDA genebank ac- cession numbers.


Unweighted pair group


Journal of the American Pomological Society 67(3): 157-167 2013

OH˟ F Paternity Perplexes Pear Producers

JosEpH postMan1, daEil kiM2, and naHla bassil1

1 USDA Agricultural Research Service, National Clonal Germplasm Repository, Corvallis, Oregon, USA.

2 Department of Horticultural Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Chungbuk 361-763, South Korea.


Early in the 20th century, a collection of re blight resistant pears from around the world was assembled in

southern Oregon in an effort to develop improved rootstocks. ‘Old Home’ and ‘Farmingdale’ are two cultivars

from Illinois that exhibited strong re blight resistance and useful horticultural traits. Both became important as

interstem stocks and as parents in the development of new rootstocks. In the 1950s, an Oregon nurseryman col-

lected seed from an ‘Old Home’ tree in British Columbia purportedly pollinated by ‘Farmingdale’ and hundreds

of numbered selections of this cross of ‘Old Home’ × ‘Farmingdale’ (OH×F) were evaluated. Several OH×F

selections are now valued as rootstocks worldwide, and 45 unique OH×F selections are maintained at the USDA-

ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository (NCGR), in Corvallis, Oregon. Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR)

or microsatellite-based proles were generated for ‘Old Home’, ‘Farmingdale’, 8 OH×F selections, and several

reference pear cultivars at NCGR using a standard ngerprinting set developed by the European Cooperative

Programme for Plant Genetic Resources. ‘Farmingdale’ is thought to be a seedling of ‘Beurré d’Anjou’. Our

study showed that ‘Farmingdale’ shared at least one SSR allele with ‘Anjou’ at each locus tested, conrming this

parental relationship. Our studies showed that all OH×F selections shared an allele with ‘Old Home’ at each locus,

with one allele carrying a suspected pair of base deletions. However, based on our SSR results, it is impossible for

‘Farmingdale’ to be the pollen parent for any of the OH×F selections examined. Evaluation of the world pear col-

lection at NCGR with this ngerprinting set established the cultivar ‘Bartlett’ as the actual pollen parent of these

rootstock clones. Fruit and leaf morphology is also consistent with ‘Bartlett’ and not ‘Farmingdale’ as a parent of

OH×F rootstock selections. The highly re blight resistant ‘Farmingdale’ is apparently very under-represented in

the pedigrees of current pear rootstocks, and deserves renewed consideration.

Early in the 20th century, Oregon State Uni-

versity (OSU) professor Frank Reimer began

scouring the world for Pyrus germplasm with

resistance to the important bacterial disease

re blight (Erwinia amylovora (Burrill) Win-

slow et al.), which made its rst appearance

in the Rogue River Valley in 1906 (Reimer,

1925). Reimer was the rst superintendent

of the OSU Southern Oregon Experiment

Station near Medford. From 1917 to 1919

his travels took him to China, Korea, Man-

churia, and Japan where he collected scions

from many local pear cultivars and seed from

pear wild relative species (Reimer, 1919;

Fig. 1). He also collected seed from wild and

hedgerow perry pears in France, and clones

of hundreds of the leading pear cultivars of

Western Europe and North America. Seed-

ling populations were generated and clones

were grafted and established at the OSU

station in Talent, Oregon, where the diverse

germplasm collections were evaluated for

fruit quality, disease resistance and as poten-

tial rootstocks (Reimer, 1919; Reimer, 1925;

Fig. 1. Frank C. Reimer traveling while investigating

pears in northern China in 1919.

158 Journal of the american Pomological Society

Hartmann, 1957). Two of Professor Reimer’s

most valuable discoveries came from a 1915

trip to visit fruit grower Benjamin Buck-

man in Farmingdale, Illinois. One was the

cultivar ‘Farmingdale’, an open pollinated

seedling Buckman had found near a ‘Beur-

ré d’Anjou’ tree on his farm, and the other

was ‘Old Home’, a seedling that had come

from a nursery in Paris, Illinois some years

earlier. Reimer observed both of these trees

to be completely free of re blight and he

brought scions from ‘Old Home’ back to Or-

egon when he returned. ‘Farmingdale’ scions

were sent to him several years later (Hum-

mer, 1998; Westwood and Brooks, 1963;

Westwood, 1967). After more than a decade

of observing natural infections, and perform-

ing articial inoculations in southern Oregon

with E. amylovora, Reimer found many pear

species selections and Asian cultivars with

strong re blight resistance, but only three

European cultivars: ‘Farmingdale’, ‘Long-

worth’, and ‘Old Home’ had excellent blight

resistance as trunk stocks (Reimer, 1925).

The many valuable pear selections identied

or developed by Reimer and his successors

were later transferred to the National Clonal

Germplasm Repository at Corvallis, Oregon

when the USDA Agricultural Research Ser-

vice established this genebank in 1981 (Post-

man et al., 2006; Westwood, 1982).

‘Farmingdale’. The origin and character-

istics of ‘Farmingdale’ are discussed in con-

siderable detail by Reimer (Reimer, 1925;

Reimer, 1950). It is apparently a pure form

of P. communis which originated as a chance

seedling in the orchard of Benjamin Buck-

man, at Farmingdale, Illinois. The fruit size

is medium to large, and it resembles ‘Anjou’

in form and coloration. Flesh is white, fairly

ne, buttery, moderately juicy, and quite free

of grit. It is reasonably sweet but somewhat

lacking in desirable avor characteristics,

and ripens in midseason. The original seed-

ling was discovered close to an ‘Anjou’ tree,

which was presumed to be the parent. Hart-

mann (1957) noted “while this pear is of little

value for its fruit, it is quite remarkable in

other characteristics. Its tree is vigorous, well

formed, fairly productive, and is the most

blight resistant of all the P. communis cul-

tivars tested at the Southern Oregon Branch

Experiment Station.”

‘Old Home’. ‘Old Home’ is also appar-

ently a pure form of P. communis that origi-

nated as a chance seedling with B.O. Curtiss,

at Paris, Illinois (Hartmann, 1957) and was

growing in Benjamin Buckman’s trial or-

chard in Farmingdale prior to 1907 (Ragan,

1908). The fruit of ‘Old Home’ is small,

round, slightly truncate, with no neck. Skin

is yellow-green, becoming yellow when

ripe. Flesh is white to yellow, ne textured,

becoming soft and tender when ripe with

few stone cells, medium dry, subacid and

with poor avor (Howlett, 1957). While its

fruit is of no consequence, the variety was

widely used as a blight resistant trunk and

framework stock, and as a very good source

of blight resistant seedlings. When crossed

with ‘Farmingdale’, a high percentage of the

seedlings were very blight resistant as well

as vigorous and uniform in growth (Hart-

mann, 1957). Reimer (1925) found ‘Old

Home’ to have very good graft compatibility

with quince and it has since been used as an

interstem bridge for incompatible pear cul-

tivars. Westwood (1967) showed that ‘Old

Home’ is also graft compatible on hawthorn

(Crataegus sp.) rootstock. When the disease

Pear Decline spread through the pear grow-

ing areas of British Columbia in the 1940s

and through Washington, Oregon and Cali-

fornia in the 1950s and 1960s, it was found

that trees with ‘Old Home’ root or trunk

stocks were much more resistant to pear de-

cline as well as to re blight. ‘Old Home’ was

extremely difcult to propagate as a clonal

rootstock, however, while many OH×F se-

lections rooted much easier from hardwood

cuttings (Westwood and Brooks, 1963).

‘Old Home’ and ‘Farmingdale’ in breed-

ing. In the mid 1920s, following the death of

Benjamin Buckman, the original ‘Farming-

dale’ and ‘Old Home’ trees in Illinois were

destroyed, and the trees established at South-


ern Oregon Experiment Station became the

primary source of nursery stock (Fig. 2;

Brooks, 1984; Hummer, 1998; Westwood,

1967). Reimer (1950) found in the 1930s that

when ‘Farmingdale’ was used as a pollen

parent in crosses with other blight resistant

selections, a high percentage of the resulting

seedlings exhibited a high resistance to blight.

This was especially true when ‘Old Home’

was the seed parent. Although a number of

crosses between other blight resistant parents

resulted in >90% seedlings that were resis-

tant to blight following inoculation, many

of those resistant seedlings became infected

when a susceptible cultivar such as ‘Bartlett’

or ‘Beurré Bosc’ was grafted onto them. In

those cases, re blight could spread from an

infected cultivar across the graft union into

the rootstock. However, the OH×F seedlings

were resistant even to the spread of re blight

from infection of a grafted cultivar (Reimer,

1950). Based on Reimer’s work, ‘Old Home’

and ‘Farmingdale’ became important parent


Fig. 2. HortScience cover in 1967 showing F. Reimer

by original Old Home tree recently transplanted to Tal-

ent, Oregon.

stocks for the development of both rootstock

and edible pear cultivars. Several important

Canadian cultivars obtained their re blight

resistance from ‘Old Home’, and at least two

US fruit cultivars have ‘Farmingdale’ in their

pedigrees (Table 1). By far, the most im-

portant use of ‘Farmingdale’ and especially

‘Old Home’ has been in the development of

pear rootstocks. ‘Old Home’ in particular has

been a valuable parent in rootstock breeding

programs in France, UK, Germany, and else-

where (Table 1; Elkins et al., 2012).

OH×F selections. One of Reimer’s goals

was to establish a mother block of ‘Old

Home’ and ‘Farmingdale’ at the Southern

Oregon Experiment Station to generate seed

for producing blight resistant seedling root-

stocks. Oregon nurseryman Lyle Brooks was

concerned about the variability of pear culti-

vars grafted onto OH×F seedling rootstocks,

and he set out to develop clonal rootstocks

from this cross. In 1952, he obtained half a

kilogram of seed from an isolated block of

‘Old Home’ trees planted with ‘Farmingdale’

pollenizers at the Canada Research Station in

Summerland, British Columbia. Of the thou-

sands of resulting seedlings, he planted 516

in a nursery block and evaluated them for

ease of propagation from cuttings and other

traits (Brooks, 1984; Westwood and Brooks,

1963). Propagation by hardwood cuttings

was successful, and thirteen of the more eas-

ily propagated OH×F numbered selections

(OH×F 18, 34, 51, 69, 87, 97, 112, 198, 217,

230, 267, 333, and 361) were extensively

evaluated at OSU for disease and insect re-

sistance, environmental tolerance, anchor-

age, dwarng and fruit production of grafted

cultivars (Lombard and Westwood,1987).

More than 40 OH×F selections, including the

13 above, are preserved at the USDA gene-

bank in Corvallis (Table 2). Some continue

to be propagated worldwide and are in high

demand for new plantings even though they

lack the size control and precocity demanded

for high density orchards (Elkins et al., 2012).

OH×F 333 was selected for its resistance to

multiple diseases and moderate size control

160 Journal of the american Pomological Society

to be the standard clonal rootstock for the

thousands of pear clones maintained at the

USDA genebank (Postman, 2008a; 2008b).

A new generation of seedlings generated

from open pollinated (OP) seed collected

from an isolated group of select OH×F clones

(OH×F 40, 51, 87, 333 and 339) resulted in

the Horner rootstock series (Table 2; Mielke

and Smith, 2002; Mielke and Sugar, 2004).

Horner 4 is under evaluation in the 2005 NC-

140 collaborative pear rootstock trial (Elkins

et al., 2011), and a trial comparing Horner 4,

Horner 10 and OH×F 87 was established in

2009 in the states of Oregon and Washington

(Einhorn, personal communication).

DNA ngerprints. Bassil and Postman

(2009) developed expressed sequence tag

(EST)-simple sequence repeat (SSR) mark-

ers and evaluated them for usefulness in a

diverse collection of individuals from the

three most commonly cultivated pear spe-

cies: P. communis, P. pyrifolia and P. ussu-

riensis at the USDA genebank. They found

that ‘Farmingdale’ shared one SSR allele

with ‘Anjou’ at each of 10 loci, suggesting

that ‘Anjou’ was very likely the maternal par-

ent of ‘Farmingdale’, as Buckman and Re-

imer had suspected nearly a century earlier

(Bassil and Postman, 2009; Hartmann, 1957;

Reimer, 1925). OH×F 333 was the only se-

lection included in that study and appeared

to share one allele with either ‘Old Home’ or

‘Farmingdale’, thus conrming its reported

parentage. This paper reports on the pheno-

Table 1. Pear selections reported to have either ‘Old Home’ or ‘Farmingdale’ in the pedigree, and USDA gene-

bank accession numbers.

Plant name Pedigree Accession no. Origin

Farmingdale in Pedigree

P. betulifolia-2 x Farmingdale P. betulifolia-2 x Farmingdale PI 541785 United States

Rogue Red Comice x (Seckel x Farmingdale sdlg. 122) PI 541252 United States

Vistica Nectar Farmingdale x Burkett none United States

Old Home in Pedigree

AC Harrow Gold (HW 616) Harvest Queen x Harrow Delight none Canada

BU 2/33 (Pyro II) Old Home x Bonne Louise d’Avranches PI 617679 Germany

Harrow Delight (HW 603) Bartlett x (Early Sweet x Old Home) PI 541431 Canada

Harrow Sweet (HW 609) Bartlett x (Old Home x Early Sweet) PI 617562 Canada

Harrow Sweet (Old Home x Early Sweet) x HW

Harrow selection HW 623 605 none Canada

Harrow selection HW 624 Harrow Sweet x NY10353 none Canada

Nijisseiki x Old Home Nijisseiki x Old Home PI 541767 United States

OH 11 (Pyriam) Seedling of Old Home CPYR 2700 France

OH 20 re blight resistant Old Home seedling selection PI 541237 United States


OH 50 re blight resistant Old Home seedling selection PI 541238 United States


Old Home x P. betulifolia-1 Old Home x P. betulifolia-1 PI 541787 United States

Old Home x P. betulifolia-1 Old Home x P. betulifolia-1 PI 541788 United States

Pyrodwarf Old Home x Bonne Louise d’ Avranches PI 617654 Germany

QR 708-02 BP-1 x Old Home PI 617680 United Kingdom

QR 708-12 BP-1 x Old Home CPYR 2704 United Kingdom

QR 708-36 BP-1 x Old Home CPYR 2705 United Kingdom

Nijisseiki x Old Home (seedlot) Nijisseiki x Old Home W-6 PI 541753 United States

Old Home x Bartlett (seedlot) Old Home x Bartlett PI 541380 United States



Table 2. Pear selections reported to have both ‘Old Home’ and ‘Farmingdale’ in pedigree, and USDA genebank ac-

cession numbers.

Plant name Pedigree Accession no. Origin

Harrow selection (Anjou x Farmingdale) x Harrow Delight none Canada

HW 621

Horner 4 O.P. from population of OHxF 40, 51, 87, 333 & 339 CPYR 2955 United States

Horner 10 O.P. from population of OHxF 40, 51, 87, 333 & 339 CPYR 2956 United States

Horner 51 O.P. from population of OHxF 40, 51, 87, 333 & 339 PI 657931 United States

OHxF 1 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541408 United States

OHxF 2 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541413 United States

OHxF 4 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541409 United States

OHxF 5 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541410 United States

OHxF 7 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541399 United States

OHxF 9 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541421 United States

OHxF 18 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541397 United States

OHxF 23 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541411 United States

OHxF 29 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541398 United States

OHxF 34 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541412 United States

OHxF 40 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541402 United States

OHxF 51 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541369 United States

OHxF 58 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541454 United States

OHxF 69 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 665738 United States

OHxF 87 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541415 United States

OHxF 97 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541370 United States

OHxF 101 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541416 United States

OHxF 109 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541417 United States

OHxF 112 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541418 United States

OHxF 130 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541406 United States

OHxF 132 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541404 United States

OHxF 198 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541419 United States

OHxF 217 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541371 United States

OHxF 226 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541372 United States

OHxF 230 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541420 United States

OHxF 247 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541422 United States

OHxF 257 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541396 United States

OHxF 259 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541423 United States

OHxF 261 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541401 United States

OHxF 266 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541424 United States

OHxF 267 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541400 United States

OHxF 280 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541425 United States

OHxF 282 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541426 United States

OHxF 288 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541373 United States

OHxF 319 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541427 United States

OHxF 333 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541405 United States

OHxF 340 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541403 United States

OHxF 361 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541374 United States

OHxF 377 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541428 United States

OHxF 501 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541407 United States

OHxF 512 Old Home x Farmingdale seedling selection PI 541414 United States

OPR-005 OHxF C-44 Bartlett x (Old Home x Farmingdale) PI 617519 United States

OPR-013 OHxF C-34 Old Home x Farmingdale PI 541368 United States

162 Journal of the american Pomological Society

typic verication of the ‘Farmingdale’ and

‘Old Home’ clones growing at the USDA

genebank, and the expanded SSR ngerprint-

ing of these cultivars and several OH×F root-

stock selections using a universal ngerprint-

ing set previously described by Evans et al.

(2009) that is made up of more polymorphic

genomic SSR loci.

Materials and Methods

Plant material. Young, actively growing

leaves were collected in the spring of 2007

from the clonal genebank accessions of ‘An-

jou’, ‘Old Home’, ‘Farmingdale’, OH×F 51,

OH×F 69 (3 sources), OH×F 87, OH×F 97,

OH×F 230, OH×F 333 and several standard

cultivars in the NCGR orchard collection in

Corvallis, Oregon (44.554° lat., -123.222°

long.). The OH×F 69 clone in the gene-

bank collection had come from OSU with a

note in its inventory record about a possible

identity question. In 2008, additional clones

of OH×F 69 that trace back to the original

Daybreak Nursery tree were obtained from

Fowler Nurseries (Newcastle, CA) and North

American Plants (McMinnville, Oregon) for


DNA extraction. Thirty to 50 mg of leaf

tissue was placed in a cluster tube (Corn-

ing, Tewksbury, MA) containing a 4 mm

stainless steel bead (McGuire Bearing Com-

pany, Salem, OR). The samples were frozen

in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C, until

extraction. Grinding was performed in the

Retsch MM301 Mixer Mill, (Retsch, Inc.,

Hann, Germany) rapidly at a frequency of 30

cycles·s-1 using three 30 s bursts. DNA was

extracted with the Qiagen protocol described

in detail by Gilmore et al. (2011).

SSR genotyping. Twelve microsatellite

primers that make up a standard primer set

proposed by the European Cooperative Pro-

gram for Plant Genetic Resources (ECPGR)

(Evans et al., 2009) were used. A standard

set of six reference cultivars (Table 3) was

included to allow harmonization of genetic

data when comparing results generated in

different laboratories and using different sep-

aration platforms. The Type-it Microsatellite

Multiplex PCR Kit (Qiagen Inc., Valencia,

CA) was used to amplify SSRs in two reac-

tions of 15 µL total volume. The 15 µL PCR

reaction mix contained: 8.3 µL of 2x Type-it

Multiplex PCR Master Mix (Qiagen), 1.7 µL

of a 10x multiplex primer mix containing 2

µM of each primer, 1.7 µL Q solution, and

3.3 µL of 3ng·µL-1 template DNA. Touch-

down amplication was performed with a

Tetrad thermocycler (MJ Research, Inc., Wa-

tertown, MA) using an initial step of 95oC for

5 min, followed by 10 cycles of 95oC for 30

s, annealing temperatures starting at 62oC for

90 s (decreasing by 1oC/cycle), and 72oC for

30 s for extension. This step was followed

by 28 cycles of 95oC for 30 s, 52oC for 90 s,

and 72oC for 30 s, with a nal extension step

of 60oC for 30 min. Success of the PCR was

conrmed by 2% agarose gel electrophore-

sis. Fragment analysis followed separation

on a Beckman CEQ 8000 capillary genetic

analyzer (Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA).

Allele sizing and visualization were per-

formed using the fragment analysis module

of the CEQ 8000 software. Alleles were

scored by tting the peaks into bins less than

one nucleotide. For unweighted pair group

method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA)

cluster analysis, individuals were scored for

the presence or absence of each allele and

PowerMarker (Liu and Muse, 2005) was

used for cluster analysis.

Paternity testing. Paternity analysis for the

six OH×F selections included in this study

(Table 3) was carried out using a likelihood

approach with the CERVUS 3.0 software

(Kalinowski et al., 2007). Using the geno-

type le at the 12 loci, CERVUS was used

to determine allele frequency, to simulate pa-

ternity analysis and calculate critical values

of likelihood ratios. The paternity analysis

module (unknown sexes) used the twelve

cultivars included in the study as candidate

parents. Other parameters set for CERVUS

were 0.99 for the proportion of loci typed and

0.022 for rate of genotyping error.

Phenotype verication. Fresh fruits and



Table 3. Genotypic information at 12 SSR loci for ‘Old Home’, ‘Farmingdale’, 6 OH×F selections, and 10 pear cultivars available at USDA-ARS, NCGR. Alleles

present in Farmingdale but not observed in any of the OHxF selections are highlighted. Allele mismatches are underlined.

CH05c06 EMPc117 GD147 EMPc11 CH04e04 CH01f07a CH03g08 CH01d09 CH03d13 CH02b11 CH01d10 GD97

Abbe Fetela 97/115 117/119 125/125 146/152 181/199 182/192 246/250 289/297 111/115 128/128 155/157 145/153

Anjou 97/115 117/121 125/125 142/152 181/181 182/196 252/260 283/285 113/127 132/138 155/157 159/175

Bartletta 91/95 89/117 125/125 152/152 181/207 178/186 230/246 243/279 111/127 122/128 153/161 159/175

Comicea 91/91 117/117 125/131 152/156 181/199 184/186 232/236 279/285 111/115 134/138 155/161 145/153

Conferencea 91/101 119/121 125/125 142/152 181/207 182/194 230/260 279/285 111/127 124/128 161/161 171/199

Farmingdale 91/115 99/121 125/125 142/142 181/181 182/190 230/260 283/285 111/113 138/138 157/161 159/175

Harrow Sweet 91/97 113/117 125/125 152/156 181/181 186/192 246/260 243/285 111/127 122/122 153/157 153/159

Hosuia 87/109 95/107 135/137 148/148 189/189 182/204 256/262 283/283 101/101 124/134 159/159 175/175

OH×F 51 95/95 89/119 125/125 152/152 181/181 178/182 230/246 279/279 111/127 122/132 135/153 159/167

OH×F 69 91/91 89/119 125/127 152/156 181/181 186/192 230/260 279/281 115/127 128/128 135/161 159/167

OH×F 87 91/91 117/117 125/127 152/152 181/207 186/192 230/246 243/281 111/115 122/132 135/153 159/173

OH×F 97 91/91 117/119 125/125 152/156 181/207 186/192 230/246 279/281 111/115 128/132 135/153 159/167

OH×F 230 95/95 89/119 125/127 152/156 181/181 178/192 230/246 279/279 111/127 128/132 135/153 159/173

OH×F 333 91/95 117/119 125/127 152/152 181/181 182/186 230/230 279/279 115/127 122/132 153/157 159/173

Old Home 91/95 119/119 125/127 152/156 181/181 182/192 230/260 279/281 111/115 128/132 135/159 167/173

Passe Crassanea 91/111 101/117 125/129 152/152 181/181 182/182 230/246 279/285 127/127 132/132 157/161 159/175

Pyrodwarf 91/91 119/121 125/125 152/156 181/181 182/192 260/260 279/285 111/115 124/128 135/161 167/199

Rogue Red 91/95 117/121 125/127 146/152 181/181 186/210 236/260 279/279 111/111 138/138 161/161 145/159

a Reference accessions recommended by Evans et al. (2009) to allow data comparison across collections.

164 Journal of the american Pomological Society

leaves were photographed, or photos were

examined from the genebank photo archives

for ‘Anjou’, ‘Farmingdale’, ‘Old Home’, and

several OH×F selections. Source histories of

the genebank cultivars were reviewed and

fruit characteristics were compared to pub-

lished descriptions.

Results and Discussion

DNA ngerprints. Each of the 12 cultivars

and OH×F selections were uniquely identi-

ed except for the three OH×F 69 selections

obtained from different sources which had

identical ngerprints (Fig. 3). All OH×F se-

lections shared an allele with ‘Old Home’ at

each of the 12 loci with two exceptions: OH×F

87 was homozygous for 117 at EMPc117 and

did not have the 119 allele from ‘Old Home’;

and OH×F 333 did not have the 135 or 159

alleles present in ‘Old Home’ at CH01d09

(Table 3). Neither of the two alleles at four

SSR loci (EMPc117, EMPc11, CH01d08

and CH02b10) in ‘Farmingdale’ was found

in any of the OH×F selections indicating that

‘Farmingdale’ is highly unlikely to be the

pollen parent for these selections (Table 3).

‘Farmingdale’ shared an allele with ‘Anjou’

at each locus (Table 3) conrming the latter

as one of the likely parents as previously re-

ported (Bassil and Postman, 2009).

Six of the cultivars selected as references

(Evans et al., 2009) were included in this

study to standardize microsatellite allele

scoring and allow data comparison across

collections and separation platforms in the

future (Table 3). ‘Bartlett’ appeared to share

one allele at each locus with the OH×F se-

lections (Table 3). Paternity analysis us-

ing CERVUS (Kalinowski et al., 2007) was

conducted to conrm this possibility. It con-

rmed ‘Old Home’ and ‘Bartlett’ as the most

likely parent pair with the highest likelihood

at the relaxed condence level (80%) for

OH×F 69, 87 and 333 and at the strict con-

dence level (95%) for OH×F 51, 97 and

  1. No allele mismatches were observed for

Fig. 3. Unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) cluster analysis of the evaluated pear

cultivars and selection based on 12 SSR loci.


all but OH×F 87 and OH×F 333 which had

a single mismatch. The mismatch of one al-

lele at one locus (described above) for these

two selections is most likely due to mutation,

common at microsatellite sites. This result

reveals ‘Bartlett’ as the original pollen parent

for the OH×F clones included in this study.

Based on the phenotypes of the 41 OH×F

clones in the genebank collection, it is prob-

able that ‘Bartlett’ was the pollen parent for

all of them.

Cultivar source histories and phenotypes.

Genebank records show that the ‘Farming-

dale’ and ‘Old Home’ clones were obtained

as scions from the original trees that Reimer

had established at the Southern Oregon Ex-

periment Station (USDA-ARS, 2012) and

identity verication notes indicate that pre-

vious visual examination of these cultivars

match those of the original trees as described

by Hartmann (1957). ‘Farmingdale’ fruit has

a very distinctive shape, not unlike a swollen

and slightly elongated ‘Anjou’ (Fig. 4) with a

similar ne texture and good fruit quality. The

peduncle is unusually short, thick and swol-

len where connected to the fruit. ‘Old Home’

is distinctively and unusually round for a Eu-

ropean pear, with a slender peduncle of me-

dium length (Fig. 4). The eating quality of

‘Old Home’ fruit is remarkably poor. The fruit

as grown at NCGR clearly matches the pho-

tograph from the variety collection in Ohio

taken in the mid 20th century (Howlett, 1957).

The various ‘Bartlett’ and ‘Anjou’ clones in

the genebank collection produce fruit that

exactly matches those cultivars in fruit qual-

ity, ripening times, and disease susceptibility

as they are known from U.S. commercial or-

chards. We are condent that the ‘Farmingda-

le’, ‘Old Home’, ‘Anjou’, ‘Bartlett’ and other

ve standard reference clones represented at

the USDA genebank and used in this study are

correctly identied based on their phenotypes.

DNA ngerprints of ‘Farmingdale’ and the six


Fig. 4. Fruit and leaves of ‘Old Home’, ‘Farmingdale’, ‘Bartlett’ and 3 OH˟ F selections.

166 Journal of the american Pomological Society

reference cultivars (Table 3) obtained from the

National Fruit Collections (Brogdale Collec-

tions) in the UK also exactly match those from

the NCGR collection (Evans, personal com-


All OH×F clones produce fruit that is

somewhat similar in size, shape and color

(Fig. 4) with crisp, juicy texture and sweet

sprightly avor; although, they differ in ma-

turity dates. All of the OH×F selections re-

semble ‘Old Home’, but not ‘Farmingdale’,

in fruit shape and especially in peduncle size.

The foliage of the various OH×F selections

is similar in leaf length/width ratio, pedi-

cel length and thickness, and pubescence,

the latter of which is quite distinct. They all

bear some resemblance to the foliage of ‘Old

Home’, but not to ‘Farmingdale’ which has

characteristically lanceolate leaves and less

pubescence (Fig. 4).

While ‘Bartlett’, rather than the more

blight resistant ‘Farmingdale’, may be the

pollen parent of the OH×F selections now

being used commercially, these OH×F selec-

tions have exhibited excellent blight resis-

tance, as well as resistance to pear decline

and good fruit production when used as

rootstocks for our most important European

pear cultivars (Elkins et al., 2012; Lombard

and Westwood, 1987). The highly re blight

resistant ‘Farmingdale’ is apparently very

under-represented in the pedigrees of pres-

ent day pear rootstocks as well as in the par-

ent clones currently being used in rootstock

breeding programs. ‘Farmingdale’ as a par-

ent is not likely to instill dwarng or pre-

cocity traits in a rootstock, however if re

blight resistance is to be an important genetic

component of future pear cultivars and root-

stocks, the results of Frank Reimer (1925,

  1. should inspire the reconsideration of

‘Farmingdale’ germplasm in breeding.

Genetic testing of fruit varieties has be-

come increasingly important in improving

the efciency of breeding new varieties (Iez-

zoni et al., 2010) and has the additional ben-

et of clarifying pedigrees of existing variet-

ies (Sitther et al., 2012). Kimura et al. (2003)

used SSR markers to conrm and revise the

paternity of several Japanese pear cultivars.

Discovering the paternity of important or

historic varieties like the OH×F rootstocks

or ‘Bing’ cherry (Prunus avium L.) not only

makes interesting news (Warner, 2013), but

helps to avoid inbreeding and aids in the

identication of sources of useful horticul-

tural and adaptive traits. Future completion

of DNA ngerprinting in the USDA pear

genebank will help eliminate redundancy in

the collection, streamline the introduction

and conservation of unique and valuable

germplasm accessions, and help breeders

better understand the paternity of parents

when making crosses to develop improved



We wish to thank David Hunter and Rich-

ard Bell for providing pedigree information

for pear selections developed from ‘Old

Home’ or ‘Farmingdale’. We also thank Kate

Evans and Todd Einhorn for their critical re-

views of this manuscript and April Nyberg

for her laboratory expertise in ngerprinting

these accessions.



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Pyrus communis L.


‘Old Home’

Origin: seedling

Developed – Illinois, United States


Natl. Germplasm Repository - Corvallis

Received by NPGS:

28 Feb 1986

Improvement Status:


Form Received:


Backup Location:

National Laboratory for Genetic Resources Preservation
