Older Persimmon transplant

Last year I was at a local nursery, and towards the back of the lot I noticed an unmarked large potted tree with a familiar fruit. It was definitely an American persimmon tree, but it was not next to the fruit trees. Instead it was tucked in with the landscaping oaks.

I had completely forgot about it until yesterday when I was visiting the same nursery, when I suddenly remembered it. So I ventured to the very back of the lot amongst the oak and there it was starting to bud out with the mouse ear shaped leaves. It is about 8 feet tall(not including the pot) and the trunk is 7 inches in circumference(about 2 and a 1/4 diameter). I left the nursery, but I’ve been thinking about it all day, and would love to take her home with me. I’m sure she would prefer to be in the ground instead of that pot.

My question is, what is the success rate of trans planting an American Persimmon of this size, from its pot into the ground. Is it about the same as other trees, or is it more finicky about transplant?

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Persimmon transplant pretty well. The problem you face is it is likely rootbound in a pot. Persimmons have impressive roots usually. Pawpaw and others are more finicky than persimmon about transplanting in my experience. Persimmon does well bareroot as well.

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If I purchase this tree and take her home, would you recommend blasting the root ball with a water hose to remove the potting soil?

I have mostly clay soil. I’ve read somewhere that putting potting soil into a hole in the ground which is mostly clay will rot the roots. I’ve removed soil on young trees and they did alright, but I’ve never done it in a much older tree like this will be.

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I would add 5 or 6 bags of compost or manure in with the clay 4 or 5 feet around there and down. Then as you said get rid of the potting soil and spread out the roots. Prune the roots if necessary. Top dress the top with 6 inches of wood chips about 5 or 6 feet around. Keeping it moist will be critical the first year. See what i did with smaller bushes

The results


Wow! Those are some results indeed!

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Unless it is a great price I might consider other options and planting a smaller tree, particularly if you are going to have to bare root it and prune any circling roots, etc. I’ve found persimmons transplant okay in terms of survival, but they often sulk the first year and even some into the second when their roots are disturbed. You may wind up with a better tree in the long term if you plant something with a less compromised root system that is more likely to get through transplant shock faster.

You can probably ask about pulling the tree from the pot to inspect the roots before buying.


I love the idea about inspecting the roots before purchase too!

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Did you buy it?

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Sadly I haven’t had a chance to go back to the nursery. My partner came down with a bad sinus cold, thus I’ve been playing nurse ratchet all weekend. Ha!

So if it is still there the next time I visit, I’ll consider it a sign to get it. If not, well then it was fate who intervened to prevent me from the purchase.

So, yes I did eventually purchase it.

The soil in the pot is very soft, which leads me to believe that untangling some of the roots might not be too much of a challenge. But I’ll guess we shall see tonight when I plant it into the ground.


I have gray&red clay soil, so I will have to plant the tree slightly mounded up above the grade of my native soil as my local agricultural department recommended to me. And like I did to my younger persimmon trees, I will spray the bottom and sides of the root ball with a high pressure jet of water to gently release the soil and then untangle the outer roots.