Hi guys, I’m going to give my opinion on Asian pears.
I like them for several reasons:
- Its crunchy texture
- Its long conservation period
- The taste
In some varieties I find them lacking in flavor and sweetness
I like these varieties among others
- Chojuro
- Kosui
- Yoinashi
- Shinko
- Nijisseiki
- Mishirazu
I hate to death, the Koreant Giant variety (huge fruits in size but tasteless and not very sweet)
I love the hybrid varieties, between Asian pear and European pear, since the European variety gives it a lot of fragrance, flavor and sweetness.
Among others these varieties:
- Benita Rafzas (General Leclerc x Hosui)
- New World (Bartlett x Korean Giant)
Both they have fructified in my orchard, and they are both fantastic
The hybrid varieties of Prevar
- Reddy Robin
- Maxie
etc … (hehehehehehee)
They they have not fructified in my orchard, and I cannot give an objective opinion on them.