Orchard Deer Report

Definitely not the case here. Bucks LOVE to destroy walnut trees that are from 1" to about 3" caliper during the rubbing season.

I always figured the .410 shotgun was invented for just this purpose. It’s not legal to shoot a deer with a shotshell with soft load in it, but it sure is effective at getting your point across. It totally convinces the deer here to only browse at night :wink:

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yeah not legal here as well but better than poaching them. the wax softens with the heat and flattens easily not causing any harm.

I have used this on moles by spraying a hot tea of it into a few mole holes, soon they just vanish, but be careful, this stuff has a super high capsaicin rating and you absolutely cannot breath it, so if you happen to have goggles and a mask to prevent inhaling the vapors while you apply it to vegetation near your fruit trees, I can guarantee that if a deer gets a whif, he will not be back for the second whiff!

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Sounds like a winner. Now that the garden is behind a ten foot fence, the deer eat the roses. Spayed them with cayenne based grocery store hot sauce.