Glad that worked for you.
I CANNOT cut a whip or whip and tongue. The knife always ends up sliding straight down the side of the wood instead of staying at the diagonal when cutting the “whip” part.
Great conversation. I came here searching for how to help my small potted Meyer lemon which I keep indoors in winter but take outside on sunny winter days; one night it dropped to 30F before I realized it was still out. It lost a few leaves but is still alive. I took off all the fruit (all 4) to help it focus on foliage, and I’m going to prune it, cutting back branches that lost all their leaves. I live at a hot spring and my heating system is hot water pipes in the floor; I gather from reading here that the tree probably likes that! I’ll let you know how it does. Appreciate all the insights shared on this page.
You may want to hold off on pruning off branches which lost their leaves for a bit. I generally find those branches will regrow leaves often if you give them a chance. Unless of course you wanted to removed those branches anyways…
Too late: I wrote that, got up from my chair and pruned! I wanted to experiment with stimulating new growth. I left some leafless branches unpruned. We’ll see! Thanks!