Overwintering Potted Trees

My fig trees in the garage are still light watered once a week. Temps are still in the high 55*/60*. Actually showing some tip growth. My garage is heavily insulated, very seldom if ever goes below 32*.


Thanks for the info. Will water them some this winter.

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Thanks, Alan. You’re correct that the condition of the plant going into cold spells, and it’s dormancy or lack thereof is the biggest thing.
As I posted months or years ago, I’ve lost a number of apples on M111 roots in March, because they had broken dormancy…and got zapped in the teens…and died, root and all.

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Nice, they look very happy in your garage. I think I’d like to live there too, looking for a tennent? :smile:

Oh BTW, if you leave your potted trees outside you better make sure they are protected from deer. I took some potted dwarf Cherry trees up to my barn, as that was where I planning on planting them in the spring. They were completely defoliated, so I figured the deer wouldn’t be an issue. Wrong, I was just up at the barn and I looked at one of my planters and was stunned to see there was no tree in it. A deer had actually torn it right out of the planter and I found it a ways away. I think it was chewing on the roots, as there were no leaves. Bloody deer!!!

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As mild as the winters have been over the last ten years I wouldn’t worry about them. I wouldn’t move them in unless we have a significant sustained cold spell like mid terms and lower.