Pai Li Asian pear


I attached some photos of it above. The small round yellow pear above Tony took a photo of is exactly what they look like. They are not ripe enough to turn yellow yet in this photo. Please see the description from ARS grin it matches which is where the scion came from What Pears will you grow this year?

The part about large has never been true for me the rest matches

" 541998 - COR - Pyrus ussuriensis pai li
Description: Pai Li originated from Honan, China. The fruits are large, pyriform, and greenish yellow. The flesh is granular, juicy, with a fair quality. The trees are vigorous. In Chico, California, Pai Li season begins early in August. – Pu Fu Shen. 1989.

Pai Li is probably the most popular pear among the Chinese in north China, and is it is also very highly regarded by all foreigners. The sweet flavor of this variety especially appeals to the Chinese, and it must also be added that most Chinese do not care for the tart and sub-acid fruits which we regard so highly in this country… The Pai Li is medium in size, usually 1.5 to 2 inches, although occasionally 2.5 inches in diameter. It is roundish or slightly oblate in shape. The color is a light lemon yellow, with many small inconspicuous cinnamon dots; and the skin is smooth, shiny and quite thin. The calyx is deciduous in about 80% of the fruits and persistent or partly so, in the remainder. At picking time, the flesh is firm, but becomes mellow, tender and is juicy whent ready to eat. No grit cells are noticeable except around the core as in the European pears. The flavor is sweet and very agreeable. In quality, it compares very well with the better European pears. It is an excellent keeper and can be obtained on the Peking market from October to the first of March.

In north China this is often known as the ‘Peking Pear’ as it is very papular at Peking and many other markets obtain their supply there. It is also extensively grown in the neighborhood of that city. This should prove a valuable pear for home use in local markets in America. It should also prove of value in breeding work, as it is of excellent quality and a splendid keeper, and possibly also in breeding blight resistant varieties as it appears to be a hybrid with P. ussuriensis as one of its parents. – F.C. Reimer. 1919. Report of a trip to the Orient to collect and study Oriental pears.

‘Pai Li’ scions were collected by F.C. Reimer and received at the USDA Office of Foreign Seed and Plant Introduction on 16 February, 1918 and assigned PI 45848. Chenganssz, near Peking

See there description one contradicts the other but one description matches mine on fruit size.“The Pai Li is medium in size, usually 1.5 to 2 inches, although occasionally 2.5 inches in diameter”