Pakistan Mulberry not fruiting

Bring back this thread to say, I’m following somebody from SoCal and he has tons of fruit from this mulberry, but the difference is his trunk is huge, much bigger than my Silk Hope mulberry, maybe 5 times bigger, and he said he did prune the tree, so maybe I need to wait a while.
His tree is loaded.

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I bought my grafted Pakistan Mulberry, also from Burnt Ridge, in spring 2021 and planted it here in Seattle in ground in an area with very fertile soil.

It has grown like crazy, but it has still never fruited

2024 will be its fourth summer, and I am really hoping it will finally fruit.

I am just puzzled and trying to understand why my tree is taking so darn long to fruit.


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It may be because the scion was from a tissue culture tree? If the plant is grown from callous tissue, it will have to go through a juvenile stage like a seedling. A grafted tree from a mature scion will usually bloom immediately. From what I have read, 3-5 years should be long enough.

Mine came from the same place.The tree also went through a couple years of fruit,getting to the early green stage and falling off.Then,once they started getting fully ripe,there hasn’t been a problem.

We have a Pakisan Mulberry here in D .But it´s bigger than yours. It was bigger when we bought it . You must really feed it with Kompost. We have 2 dogs here, who deliver food for the trees every day.
Yours is still busy with growing roots. 4-5 years it will take but then you can really harvest.
General advice: Mulberries are flowering and fruiting as young plants on the basis shot. Keep crown compact. Cut new shots in end of June to the length of 20 cm. End of winter cut grown shots again to15 cm. Keep crown open for sun and air. Cuts of older branches (5cm) should be closed by Treewax.