Pawpaw bloomed time

I put two dead squirrels under pawpaw A and one dead squirrel under pawpaw B. Pawpaw A is loaded with tiny pawpaws and pawpaw B has none. 20 feet apart, both 11 years old, same treatment. Hmmm.


Dead squirrels to attract pollinator. That’s is called Dedication!!!


I bet a stinky dead carp would work good hanging in the tree!


Please, can someone help? I’m looking for some Pawpaw pollen. I have two mature trees that have blossoms every year, but they are the same cultivar. I’m asking to see if someone out there would be willing to send me a couple blossoms that have pollen, or just a little pollen. I will pay the postage. Any help?

I have an Overleese that some can be taken from.Brady

It only takes a few days for the female flowers to convert to male flowers. The female flowers usually still have some green ish purple. Once turned into dark purple with pollens than they won’t develop fruits. You can pm me your address if you still have some real green flowers.


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All of my pawpaw froze off last year due to late april frost. Except Mango and another late blooming self pollinating selection of my own…All trees recovered and this year it seems like the number of flowers is double from what it normally is! All flowers are perfectly pollinated and if all these will turn into mature fruit I think it will kill the trees! Normally a whole lot will drop off in the weeks to come. I wanted to make a remark on the pollination by dung flies. My pawpaws are eagerly visited by dung flies (Scathophaga stercoraria) and they seem to be the only actors responsible for pollination. The strange thing is that dung flies do not feed on carrion in spite of their name…The larvae feed on other larvae! So I don’t really understand why anyone would lay a dead animal at the base of their tree to attract dung flies? If you really want to attract dung flies it would only make sense to place a cow pie under your tree if you wanted to attract dung flies because this is where they lay their eggs so the larvae can feed on the other larvae…These carrion flies do not lay eggs on dead animals!


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In their homeland pawpaws are treated with paintbrush, dead animals, rotten meat and what not in order to set a decent crop and here in Europe we just do nothing and the trees are loaded. Isn’t it funny?


excuse my ignorance, but I’m struggling to find the menu on the forum to PM you. My pawpaws are I think one to two weeks from blossoming…

Click on Tony’s avatar (a T in a green circle), you will see his profile and a Message box on the right. Click on the message. You can PM anyone that way.

For every hundred flowers you have, I have two on my Shenadoah :grinning:This tiny stick bloomed last year, too. The Mango next to it is twice bigger but no flower. This is their 3 rd year. Slow growing.


Maybe its a setting under my profile? I click the avatar and a box pops up but it only has “likes” on the bottom and no message icon.

Need to have @scottfsmith helps you. Maybe you are too new.

You need to hang out here for awhile to get PM privileges, reading a certain number of posts/topics over a certain time period. I don’t remember the times but its not all that long.

Thank you! I’m sure that’s the issue. Hope I can get there before pawpaw blooms!!!