Pear buds, blossoms, and fruit 2017


First year for flowers and now pears on ohxf 333 fourth year. Comice and Bosc.


Awesome, I love Bosc, I get that & clapp here from a local orchard guy, they don’t sell either variety they just let them rot so every year he asks me, I can’t say yes quick enough.


My Comice and Bosc are about 14th leaf. They took 7 yrs to produce. And are just now becoming productive. I’d say to thin Bosc heavily or it will go biennal. Same probably for Comice but mine doesn’t overset like Bosc.

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I came home from a trip to see that my pears have grown to marble size. I went through and thinned most off. They all look more or less the same at this stage but I swear they’ll mature into different fruit!

Drippin Honey



Korean Giant

Some pretty red pear leaves


Fruit set is ridiculous its so high this year! Branches are already bending under the weight on many trees that are 2-3 months from harvest. Odly pear rust and fireblight have been minmal so far.



A few Koran giant fruit-to-be after the extreme cold winter this year.


This is a fruitlet on my unknown pear…came from a box store and labeled orient but I don’t think it’s orient as it is completely different to the tree that has born orient type fruit for two years(that was labeled kieffer.) This is first year it has bloomed and is on 4th leaf for me. I’ve never seen any fire blight strikes on it. Any ideas what it might be? Too early to tell?


Is that 2nd to the last picture your Abbe Fatale?

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Thats a good guess because they look similar at that stage but that is actually Karls favorite aka ewart.

Talking about Abbe Fetel, how close your tree is in setting fruit?

I wonder if any of the GF members have fruit AF? It is my favorite pear. Thanks to @mrsg47 mentioning about it here.

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Abate fetel did not fruit this year but i expext it will next year.

How long it takes from grafting to fruit?

I hope it is more like Harrow Sweet, not Warren!!! I grafted mine on two trees, OHxF87 and an Asian pear tree.

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Should take 3-5 years to fruit depending on the age of the tree and graft placement if your putting it on a multigraft tree. @wildscaper grew it and others and got fruit quickly.


Both were grafted last year. I hope the one on an Asian pear will fruit sooner than 5 years!!! It should not have an issue with cross pollination. The tree has at least 7 different varieties on it.

The graft on OHxF could take longer, I guess.

Thank you.

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Heavy fruit set this year! These are a few of the pears! We have had alot of rain this year but not much heat yet. Normally the pears are further along than they are right now. Its good the pears are heavy with fruit because the apple crop is very light. Harrow Delight is the star of the show so far as far as new pears go . Karls favorite and Maxine look good also. Harrow sweet is lagging behind a little this year. Douglas, kieffer, and Duchess D’ Angoulme all seem to be extremely heavy with fruit. Kosui, Pa Lai, Drippin’ Honey, and several other asian pears all seem to have more than normal foliage issues this year. Seckel, menie, clara frijs, Atlantic, ayers, clapps favorite, ts hardy. Warren and Magness all seem to be fruiting at least some this year.


Harrow Sweet and Korean Giant from Bradford pear rootstock.
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Literally harrow delight are so heavy with fruit all the trees are leaning already. Thought these would be small fruits again but im beginning to wonder. Last year was a drought year so most fruit was 1/3 smaller than normal. These trees had a very light crop last year. This year is not light!


Strong winds and rain tore through last night breaking grafts and snapping a couple of large trees off but overall we are very blessed! The pear trees look great! The trees that snapped did me a favor anyway! This is a couple of my pears! Its fairly dark today and i cant hardly fit entire pear trees in the photo! I did not expect these full grown pears to branch out so much at the bottom and stay under 20 feet tall on callery but the soil is heavy clay mixed with rock with some loam on top. The pears produce something every year since they started fruiting.


Sorry to hear about the storm damage. Would like to hear how your Maxine turn out, we have a tree, but it’s just a couple years old. How many years has yours been producing?

We have a total of three pears on two trees (Moonglow and Orient) this year, but at least they’re bearing something after three years.