Fascinating concepts regarding plants https://growingfruit.org/t/the-intelligence-of-plants/24268/6. I have brought up these concepts many times Pear Rootstock influence on pears fruit size, tree growth, nutrition etc . This just means we have a great deal to learn. My concern is what substances does a pear tree contain and how do they use them? What effect do animals have on pear fruit? Why does nearly every animal have a tendency to leave my fruit alone but they pick on others mercilessly. Can they smell my rootstocks and recognize them as a wild native now or do my pears emmit a toxin for them? Callery and bet are my rootstocks of choice and i suspect my fruit is higher in nutrients due to how much deeper their roots go. I leave all windfalls for animals and they seem satisfied with those but they never pick fruit from my trees. By the way if the animals picked a pear i would not know anyway but if they picked 100 i would know.