Pest + Disease resistant tree crops orchard

If you could design a public educational orchard that would feature the most “climate smart” species of tree crops in usda zone 6…

What species would you choose? I have a few in mind including Cornus mas, hickories, persimmons, late blooming hybrid chestnuts, etc.

But I’m interested in what folks on this forum have to say.

Criteria for species: pest and disease resistance and tolerance of extremes (late frosts, winter lows, summer drought)


There’s a grant for that.

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There’s already all that info. and more on the site…but might take an investment of a few hours to ferret out the best.

The no spray fruits thread started by clarkinks would likely be helpful (can search for "
No spray fruits": No spray fruits - General Fruit Growing - Growing Fruit. From there you can check hardiness zones and look at your local pest and disease pressure.