Have you read through the threads on deer protection, specifically related to double fences?
That’s a big investment in terms of time and labor, especially if you plan to amend your soil. Here’s my advice: go to your nearest university extension office and find out how to collect and submit soil samples for analytical testing. I’d get the NPK/nutrient/pH test as well as the soil composition/% organic matter tests done on the samples. My local extension office also asks grower what types of crops they’re growing and includes advice tailored to those crops growing in your soil in the results. Collect the samples this month or next to avoid the spring rush and get your results faster.
Your extension office will also be able to tell you which cultivars/varieties do best in your area.
I have. The spacing on this side was not meant to prevent jumping like described in those posts.
So far, the deer have respected this electric fence for this combined chicken and orchard area. If they don’t, I am putting 8 foot fencing where you see the wooden fence around the entire pasture.
This thread is absolutely ripe (har har) with such good advice and support! I thought I was in Zone 7 but apparently I’m Zone 6, I feel like I have to triple check that now…anyway, good luck to you! Happy harvesting (hopefully!)!
I’m now in zone 7 on the updated map, but until recently in zone 6b. I’m sure many sites are still using the old numbers. Which versions are you referring to?
Good to know! I used that website, my county is still listed as 6B but we’re surrounded by 6A also. I figure I’ll aim for plants that handle 5-6 and 6-7 at least.