Since you plan to raise more fruit, your soil already ok for blueberries requiring an acidic soil, but where you plan to grow other fruits the OM, Nitrogen, Potasium, and Calcium need to be raised to medium to high. In these volcanic soils of Puget Sound region, organic matter is critical to gardening. Some heavy composting is required to elevate your OM and your cation exchange capacity. Since your phosphorous is already quite high, shy away from triple fertilizers such as 16-16-16. Instead go for ammonium nitrate, lots of coffee grounds to add POT, and find a pony barn where you can get plenty of manure, and waste alfalfa hay. You can use gypsum instead of dolomite lime to raise your calcium once your Ph is between 6 to 6.5. My magnesium is still low as you can see so each year I use Epsom salts of most fruit and vegetable areas.
Start a large compost pile, fill it with your grass clippings, leaves and pony manure if you can get it. Let it compost over winter and spread around your fruit trees each spring as a mulch to hold in moisture. After about 3-4 years you will begin to see a difference in the richness of your soil.
Below is my soil report after 20 years of composting. Notice the OM difference! Each fall I fill my compost with leaves and horse manure and spread it liberally over my garden each spring. Can not over emphasize composting in this region where we have so little natural clay content in the soil. Makes composting essential to raising the CEC of soil. Finally, the most cost effective way to improve your soil is to employ some earthworms. Red wigglers will love your compost, but you can also order some European or Canadian night crawlers. They will do wonders and you will have good fishing bait.
I can’t thank everyone enough for all the detailed and helpful suggestions!
That’s right, I took only about the top 6-10" for the sample.
Actually that’s what I did! They did include some suggestions, but I figured it was semi-automated and that this community might have some better ideas. It does look pretty similar, to what people here have suggested, though less detailed:
Our yard is luckily loaded with earthworms, at least two types (large gray ones and smaller red ones), and I have started a yard-waste compost pile and an in-ground conical composter for food waste. Someone down the street has a pony so maybe I can ask for manure to add to the compost!