Please identify my pear tree

How hard is it to ID pears? Is it based more upon the fruits, or leaves, etc?

Because there’s one Pear Tree I’d love to ID - that’s at least 36 years old (so probably fireblight-resistant) and produced large pears that were pretty coarse-fleshed, juicy, and very crisp (sort of like Asian pears). They were hard, and definitely not soft or ever squishy… It was originally purchased from a nursery, so isn’t some wild unknown.

The pears themselves generally looked something like the LeConte’ pictured here:

From other descriptions I’ve read, it sounds like it might be something like a Kieffer or “sand pear” - except they never blushed like the Kieffers shown here.

I can post some pictures of its branches and leaves, but not sure if that’d help? For actual fruit, I’ll have to try to wait until fruiting season this year…

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