Plum Curculio

I am using Triazacide for my first couple of sprays on stone fruits. Does it only kill if PC (or other bugs) get hit directly by the spray? Or does it also kill if they show up after I spray, by consuming or by contacting sprayed vegetation?

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Triazicide will kill them. I never needed a direct hit. But I did use Bonide Turbo Sticker mixed in with it so it would stick to the fruit.


Thanks MrsG! Our overnight temps aren’t quite in the 60s so I don’t know if the PC are active yet. I haven’t seen any, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t here. I do have a few tiny apricot fruits that managed to survive the freezes we had. The other stone fruit are at, or nearing 100% petal fall, so I need to get a spray on tomorrow when the wind will finally be down below 15mph. Just didn’t know how helpful that spray would be if the PC aren’t active for a few more days. I will be doing a follow up spray(s), but I am being paranoid and am trying to get the timing right. :grimacing:


It won’t be long. I am now in a different zone and don’t have them. But in RI I was always ready. They are fast and work at night.


Olpea who is in Kansas also should be able to easily answer your question.

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That is what I have gathered from all the posts from experienced growers. Makes me consider spraying at night, if I could light up the trees well enough to see! :eyes:

From posts above, I read Mark uses Actara for his first 2 sprays. I haven’t invested in that product yet. I do try follow his comments, even though he is several hours east of me. It’s helpful to know pest activity and timing of sprays etc,

Question: would an unsprayed orchard work for cider apples or would PC cause most of the apples to abort and drop prematurely?

Planning future of my trees- too much for me to handle with clay and bags.

Question: My apricot is in shuck fall. But my night temperatures are still in 40s, should I spray for PC?

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PC damage in apples usually does not cause apples to drop. Often, apple cell expansion will squish the eggs. Coddling moths also like apples.

Worse, you will have cider with extra protein!


A friend had an ancient apple tree they never sprayed. It was always filled with gnarled apples with curc tracks all through them. Fortunately they didn’t rot, and they would probably have pressed up fine. I think it was a Grimes Golden but was never sure.


@mamuang @scottfsmith

Yes, coddling moth may be a bigger problem. Would it render apples unusable for cider (without carving damage out of each apple)?

Edit: I found a great thread so am all set:Codling Moth Worms/Maggots OKAY In Cider? - #2 by marknmt. @Hillbillyhort has a good approach to his cider. Sounds like CM does not ruin all the crop.

The main problem with CM is if you don’t process them quickly they will rot. Curculio infections happened earlier in the summer and are less likely to cause rots around and after harvest.


Generally I wait till shuck split to start spraying, but PC does show up before then. I wait till shuck split because the shuck protects PC from egg laying. The shuck doesn’t protect against stink bug, so some stink bug feeding can occur before shuck split, which later causes the fruit to be catfaced, but it’s not been enough to make me spray before shuck split.


Lightbulb :bulb:moment…
thank you @Olpea !


I’m betting the ranch here that the very hard, very late Belle de Boskoop, Goldrush, Sundance and Hauer Pippin avoid at least some PC and CM damage. Many years of testing varieties leads me to these four for taste, blight resistance here in 7B and possible insect avoidance.

I’ll test a branch of unsprayed/unbagged Goldrush and Hauer this year, the other two in future as they start bearing. But also have to contend with European Hornets and birds.


@hambone I know this is off topic from the plum curculio thread, but Goldrush in my 7b setting has been hit hard by fireblight nearly every year. Also the summer rots have been a problem

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Are people seeing PC activity in the mid-Atlantic area? I have a 3 locations, with one area seeing a lot of PC bites, the other areas zero.

They are active for me now. We had enough rain to wash off my apricots and plums and it was warm enough right after the rain that I had a few hot spots of bites before I could re-coat. But it cooled and I re-coated so hopefully only minimal damage in the larger scheme of things.

I am using Grandevo and Venerate this year which supposedly are somewhat effective against PC. I should know in a month if there was any impact. I used them last year but not consistently.


What do people do when it’s warm and rains every day during prime PC time? I have 75 and raining in the forecast for the next 7 days in a row.


Depending on how much you have to protect and how the nightime temperatues are going to be, I would spray anyway with a sticker.


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