Polar Vortex preparations?

seems like the cold you guys are getting in the middle of the country gets warmed before it gets here. no -0 in the 7 day. we normally would have had 5-6 days of -20f or colder by now in a normal year.


Welcome to the forum! I hope you have some luck and snow to insulate.

70 today, 65 Monday, 14 Tuesday morning, and 65 Wednesday 70 Th. Polar vortec?

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The temperature dip down to -20F here last night and more to come.



Hope that snow helps insulate. That’s a long time at a solid test temperature.


Oh no! The worst possible. 3 fresh born bottle babies to care for. Placed in a tote 4 feet away from me.I’m a mother{again}.

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My winter greens bed.


Sounds like a busy time and a lot of diapers if they end up in the house like my buddy does with his bottle lambs!

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Probably not. As soon as we are sure they are reliable bottle drinkers; they are gone. The two Bucklings already spoken for. As soon as we list the doeling; she will get snapped up quick.

Usually it is the bucklings that have a hard time selling. But our efforts showing up our sweet breeding bucks is paying off I guess. But 2 more families want buckling pairs after these guys go.

The first babies I posted awhile ago are now gone. All crossed the 8 week hold we prefer on weenlings.

On edit I will start a critter baby pictures thread in the pictures category. And everyone can share their new babies.


I just tossed bath towels over my brassicas. I moved my pots of hopefully rooting elderberry cuttings in potting mix against the house and toweled them up. I think everything else should be fine. There’s one 19F this week forecast and 13F on Saturday. The rest is in the 20s. in SE PA.

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Currently snowing with nearly an inch accumulation here in southern TN. I moved several containers of pecan seedlings in the basement earlier. Overnight low predicted 20F which is not yet a risk for the orange trees. Forecast is 0F for Tuesday night so I will cover fig and orange plants tomorrow.


All of you with temps <0F BRRRRR. I agree that makes it too cold! We are not supposed to get super cold temps until tomorrow in VA, and even then it won’t be anywhere near what you get in MT or the midwest. I did get a surprise snowstorm though (which I am actually enjoying).

Our lows the next couple weeks are in the 5F to 15F range. I have not been worried about my fruit trees pr doing anything about them - but maybe I should be??! I am aware some of the young trees might not make it through a cold winter. I already was expecting my hardy figs to die back anyways. I covered the raspberry bed with mulch at the beginning of winter. Anything else I should have thought of?

Haven’t seen any forsythia blooming, but I live near Edible Landscaping and they had an (outside) Apricot tree that was already in bloom! They were pretty surprised by it. We haven’t had an unusually warm winter so far.

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You’re warmer than Kentucky. But we’ll flip that back to normal next week. :smiley:

yup, its been a balmy one. At least this winter Im working inside. Last winter we similarly had no frost and it caused me lots of grief since my project required running a ~40,000 lb telehandler to access the high spots on this house, which is nearly 45 ft to its peak from the lowest section. I was counting on some frost to be able to drive and maneuver that machine, which is not designed to drive on saturated silt loam the consistency of cake batter. It was touch and go to say the least, and we managed to get the machine seriously stuck a couple of times. This winter’s project has its own complications- we’ve been running out thousands of ft of custom moldings and paneling and are nearly ready to start installing it. Thankfully cold hands and mud arent big features of my present challenges!


I’ve never built homes/buildings but I have made the perimeter’s of some look pretty…and even added veneer stone to a couple. None 2 story.
I recall planting almost 600 taxus shrubs at a big box store in a straight line one time…
I got a photo someplace. Fron eye level at one end you might suspect 3 dozen shrubs or something…nope straight line for over 1500 maybe near 2000 feet of plants in one line.

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It’s aberations to a polar jet that gets us most of the cold snaps here, such as this one.

Brisk this morning
The left is the greenhouse, middle is the tunnel, and right is the avocado tree. The tunnel providing 19 degrees is impressive

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I had a low of 12F yesterday morning…

This morning my two back porch merc thermometers are showing 3F & 4F. It usually drops 1 more just as the sun comes over the horizon.

Probably lose logans and PAFs again.

Hope my IKKJiro pulls thru.





52 and drizzling in Uzès, FR

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