Polar Vortex preparations?

Two mornings in a row at 25* but no damage on anything but the bananas obviously and the longevity spinach finally looks to be killed back to the ground. First year having it in ground without protection so we will see how it bounces back. This week all 60+ forecast so as y’all all said hopefully that doesn’t spark an early awakening for these fruit trees. If it does it does and I’ll try to come up with a contingency plan then haha. Last spring was unseasonably cold and dry so only time will tell. Regardless glad I bagged up and covered everything since we got about exactly the temps they had forecasted, typically they are forecasting 10 degrees warmer than what we actually get for winter storms so overall I’m pleased

My greens survived (and actually grew) thru 8 days of protection, covered with lights.

Lows of 2-3F, 6-7F, 12F, 15F… and a couple days in there where the high was below 20F.

Just unprotected them a bit ago… sunny and just hit 40F here today.


Up above 32 here again finally…according to computer. Still only 30 outside at the moment.

Glad to see that ‘polar vortex’ go back home…to Canada.


North Pole be better!!! Polar bears need it much better than we do.

They’ll be trying to kill us again with smoke storms or geese or something in a couple months.


My earliest plum blossoms! Can’t believe our warm winter is exciting several of my plum varieties. The pic below is my earliest one, a red cherry plum, I obtained scions of this one from an orchard on Lopez Island several years ago. The trees were planted by settlers from Europe who obtained land grant status, later the state procured the property as a state park. This morning there was a frosty covering of the small blossom balloons as our nighttime temps here are getting close to freezing. Hopefully there will be enough continuous cold weather to discourage growth buds from leafing out. The Polar vortex this year is certainly impacting out climate here west of the Cascade range
Kent, Wa

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how many days is this tree ahead compared to its normal ballooning time.

A full month or more. Usually it would blossom around mid March

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December 2024 was the second warmest December on record for California. We’re somewhat behind on chill hours since we’re accumulating them only at night given the clear skies and lack of rain. Grapes are already bleeding as we prune them, and we’re only about a quarter done with pruning.

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wow. this is turning out to be like 2021 an early warmth arriving in PNW.


I have several seedlings of Sweet Treat Pluery that I grew from seed last spring and they still are in full foliage! Several peach and Nectarine grafts also! I’ve never seen them hold on so long after the first frost.


Wow, we got enough cold on the east coast to make up for what y’all lost. I did notice my ever bearing mulberry having some fresh leaves trying to push which is weird