Potato Lady disappointment

i think next spring i will buy many types available here and sell to you guys at my cost… should be 1/3 rd as expensive as i can buy them at $12 a 50 lb bag.


Either 2.5 or 5 lbs per variety. Initially we ordered quite a few different varieties, but, since we save seed potatoes and also buy from Fedco (Ronniger Potato Farm now being a distant memory), now it’s only small quantities for a new variety or a needed replacement.

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Looking forward to it!!!

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Let you in on a propagators trick. Dig your potatoes when they are mature and lay them out on a dry surface unwashed. In 2 months they will sprout aggressively. Plant 20 to 30 of them in a 5 gallon pot full of promix around the 1st of August. In 2 months they will produce an abundance of mini-tubers and the plants will die. Don’t let them freeze! Dump out the pot and put the mini-tubers in a ziploc bag full of damp promix and store in the refrigerator over winter. Next spring plant the mini-tubers.


Can I start with less then perfect seed potatoes for this? I am not sure if I will be able to select 20-30 disease free potatoes grown from what I have now…

it works best with disease free potatoes, however, growing mini tubers in promix tends to isolate the disease organisms from the mini tubers. It does not help with tuber borne viruses such as potato Y virus.


Ronnigers is gone?

Quite some time ago it merged with another company to form Potato Garden. And now Potato Garden is gone.

Oh, I knew Potato Garden was Ronnigers + one other. I didn’t know they were gone.

My wife does the ordering. I do the planting and tell her what we might need. We talked potatoes over breakfast. She corrected me. We are getting our potatoes from Fedco’s Moose Tubers this year. Not Maine Potato Lady. Ooops.

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Got my seed from Holbrook this year, I’m surrounded by the largest potato growing regions in the country and can’t get wholesale quantities locally… Unfortunately they’re all sold out for this year, but the quality is great and a good selection of varieties.

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I got response from Potato Lady only after I posted review on Dave’s Garden. According to response the scab is allowed " 5% surface or 5% of the lot." Why certification then if they allowed to introduce disease in our soil? Though, they are going to issue the refund.


Our order from Moose Tubers (Fedco) just arrived. All looking in great shape. No scab.


This is an interesting conversation. Having never grown potatoes, I had thought you could just take a store bought potato (sold for consumption) and plant–typically when we don’t use them right away, we see root growth. Am I getting this right that potatoes sold for human consumption are treated to inhibit sprouting whereas the only difference with seed potatoes of the same variety are they’re not treated?


ive planted store bought potatoes many times with 100% success. buying seed is when you want something not typically offered in the stores. im happy to grow the old standbys of Caribou russet, Yukon gold and Kennebec. sometimes Norland. all grown at local farms here. i just go buy a 5lb bag at the store for $ 5 of each one and plant them out whole. they produce more when planted whole. i do give them a good rinse with the hose before planting just in case. if im not too busy next spring i may go buy a doz. 50lb bags
and offer them to you guys on here. they run $10-12 a 50/lb. bag at the local potato house 4 miles from here. they carry the above-mentioned ones and sometimes a few different.


order it from Johnnys seeds or grand Teton organics.