Potential damage from extreme spring frost in the northeast

Although I wasn’t overly worried about cross pollination of my new Harrow Sweet and Blakes Pride I was wondering in which sequence they would bloom. The new grafts are doing great and some are already 6-10". The Goldrush is also doing well. I went a little overboard and grafted them everywhere I could. Looks like almost all of them are growing. Thanks, Bill

BP hasnot bloomed for me but from my observtion, HS is At a late stge of swollen bud while BP is still dormant.

I have other blooming A pears when HS is blooming so I have no problem about cross pollination.

Glad all your graft took. Maybe, your BP could bloom before mine as such graft could speed up production.

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It is 18.5 degrees as I type this. What are the odds of my apples at tight cluster giving crop?

On page 3 of this paper from Rutgers is blueberry temp info: https://njaes.rutgers.edu/pubs/blueberrybulletin/2015/bb-v31n04.pdf

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Mine apples are only silver tip and green tip stage. We were 21 F last night and could be 17-18 tonight.

It’s 7ºF here, opposed to 14ºF projected low. They got me again for the second time this week.

Hoping my apples survive this. We got about nine inches and it’s cold out!

According to the charts, those of us at half inch green for apples still have the potential of crop if temps don’t get below 16.

30 F here in the backyard this morning.

Threat of frost again will occur Fri and Sat night.

After that, I should be in the clear.

Same here Matt… hopefully did OK in this one but two more to go.

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You guys that didn’t even get into the lower '20’s get off of my topic! Misery wants company:sob::wink:


Re-regrettably, I can join you. I hit 19.7F for a low. Not quite as chilly, but close. From the charts, all my apples at tight cluster should be done for. But, I know there are some late bloomers- Court Pendu Plat is completely dormant and there are a bunch which are just silver to green tip. Those shouldn’t be hurt at all by this, based on the charts (like Mamuang’s apples).

My guess at my impact:
Apples- some done, some completely fine
Pears- a few slightly reduced, but plenty for a full crop
Apricots- almost all gone, maybe a few blooms snuck through to get nailed in the next freeze tonight
Sour cherries- I’m a bit worried about these, as it’s hard for me to read the bloom on things like bush cherries and from the chart they quickly reach a not-very-hardy state
Peaches- I think I’ve got enough at First Pink that I should get a reduced crop. Maybe no thinning needed…
Plums- I think the Euros will be fine and the Asian plums will be toast

It got down to low single digits here in Central Maine…bone chilling cold. I’m going to take a walk through everything today and see how things look going into our final round of polar armageddon tonight.

So your peach bloom survived winter- that’s great.

keep fingers crossed。there are still hopes

Most of my Southern Highbush Blueberries look like toast, Santa Rosa plum is toast, my weather station outside, recorded a low temp down to 26.5 in the backyard at some point last night.

Most of my other trees are too young to flower and or in the leafing out stage

Wow, this sucks we make it through the winter just to be crushed in early spring.
I will get some fruit probably, but lost a lot too. I’m going out right now to take a close look. Last night was bad because of the clear sky.

-4 here overnight ! It was below zero for several hrs. and we now have 4-8 in of snow forecast starting overnight through tomorrow. Crazy weather for sure!

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Kelby - 29 here in Collegeville too vs. 28 predicted. Tonight they are saying 25 for here - hopefully the are overly pessimistic. I have a sweet cherry in full bloom. I’m going to put a DeLonghi heater under - maybe it will buy me 2-3 degrees.

That’s amazing. Some clusters of weather stations in the higher elevations up by the Finger Lakes (just north of me) were below zero. On the edge of the lakes, where it is suppose to be zone 6 due to lake effect, they were showing around 10-12ºF. I wonder if the orchards and vineyards along the lakes got smashed. They might have been further along due to a warmer microclimate.