Potomac pears

I kept Moonglow several years without any FB. It was slow to fruit and I never figured out how to ripen it.


@Auburn … thanks… i will stay away from moonglow.

I am thinking my new kieffer and imp kieffer (on callery) trees… + a few grafts of orient, ayers, harrow delight (added perhaps next spring or the next)… will have me in good shape on pears.

@Fusion_power … that would be an awesome resource on pears.


@TNHunter @Auburn

There are people who do well with moonglow but i never was one of them. There are many better pears to grow in my opinion. Someone please post if your experience was different.

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I agree. Pruned some fb strikes out of my moonglow this afternoon.



Try this Pear trees for sale | Buy fruit trees online | Free advice for the modern type pears.

I am going to start a new thread titles “Pear Identity and traits” which will be used to build a spreadsheet of pears and associated traits. The first step is to gather a list of varieties, especially those grown today, and a description of the pears. Here are the items Clark is looking for. Yes Clark, this is your baby. I’m just the midwife.

Bloom date
Pollen Group
Self Fertile(SF)/Sterile(SS)
Incompatible Vars
Average fruit maturity date
Fruit use (fresh, storage, preserves, perry)
Fire blight R/S
Other diseases
Has Growing (Nursery or grower who has it)


Like i said wont be much help on it for awhile due to time constraints.

I’m also up to my eyeballs in things that have to be done yesterday.

Do you have a current list of all pear varieties you have grafted?

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That is a long list lets start with these pears that have some resistance to fireblight from this thread Bell Pear aka US84909-391.

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Clark, I’m a man dying of thirst and you are offering teaspoons of water. I want a fire-hose!!!

Seriously, I need lots of data to work from. Names of varieties and descriptions in one place are highly useful. I’ll scrape data from orangepippen in a few minutes. Do you have a master list of pear varieties you are growing? Anything on a computer can be scraped and massaged into usable data.

P.S. I should probably tell you that my real life career pre-retirement included being a master data manipulator. I’m pretty good at collecting, storing, massaging, integrating, and extracting useful information from just about any data source.

PPS I don’t recognize Tyson. Do you have descriptive info?

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I do not have a list other than records i keep here but here is a description of tyson. Tyson pear

Thanks, lets move this to the pear info thread please. This thread is for Potomac.

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Consider adding “Precocity.” That may depend on rootstock but something like Harrow Sweet is unbelievably precocious wherever I’ve grafted it.

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Thanks Hambone. I added several fields in the pear identity thread including precocious. Great minds think alike!

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Added another dozen + potomac trees.

I was surfing the net looking for pics of Potomac pears.

I came across this website. It listed four 8-10 ft Potomac pear trees for $1,345 (on sale, no less).

Potomac European Pear | Bower & Branch.

Maybe, you should sell Potomac trees for under a thousand dollars to compete with this nursery. :smile:


I am trying to see what the pear look like. As usual, several nurseries have different pictures of their “Potomac”. ACN has this pic. The pear in the front to the right look quite different from the rest of the group.
No wonder I have hard time when I look at these pear pics.

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They are delicious pears! That is why i started this thread The price of fruit trees is too expensive . Prices are dropping again.

Do you have pictures of your Potomac pear?

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These threads get long there are some up a ways in this thread. Here are some photos from above. They taste much like anjou but better when they are home grown.