Pruning Peach trees to have an open center

Dunno if its nutty but i toss what i prune off in the tree center. Just in a big pile. Figuring its shade and as it dries and shrinks it slowly lets more sun in
Never had canker. But who knows. May help may not.

That’s actually a strategy, which has been recommended by peach specialists, albeit a little different twist.

The rec has been to break green shoots over in the center. I’ve tried it, but I actually prefer removing them in my dynamics of climate and soil - most of the time.

Peaches really distinguish themselves by their need for light to keep wood vital. Most other species you can cut back if their growth gets out of hand and new growth will arrive wherever sunlight reaches, but peaches often refuse to send new wood from old shaded wood and the process can occur in as little as a single season. The form of the tree can be permanently damaged with stretches of scaffold branches with no secondary wood and fresh shoots to create fruit.

They are not my favorite models for pruning.