Rake and dispose or rake and use as mulch

I did modify his method a little. I bought 45 gallon bags that was 3 mils. My intent was to reuse the bags several times. You could keep leaves in the bag for a while or empty when your finished bagging. Being my first time using this method I used a 5 gallon bucket to compress the leaves and it worked well. The larger bags allowed me to tie a bow knot that was easily untied when dumping the leaves. I didn’t have two light weight metal rakes and they would be easier to use than my heavier ones. My take away was that he has a good method that can be modified.

I hate to say it, but I ended up bagging the last 1/3 of my leaves and putting them to the curb. I had been shredding them and stockpiling, but I missed too many good work days, and then the leaves got too wet to shred well. And no good place to store that many unshredded. I’ll have to start earlier next year. I can see why people like it, it went way faster than shredding.

@BobVance I’ve got 17 bags out on the curb if you feel like driving up to NH! :laughing:


We rake ours onto tarps and drag them out to the curb, dumb them in the street, and let the city come pick them up with front loaders. They take them out to the city-owned compost facility, compost them with waste from the sewage plant, and sell them back to us for $28/nominal yard. Last year I got my little utility trailer filled for that amount. Could have been close to two yards, I think. The trailer was sitting on the frame and I drove very carefully!


I wish Nashua would sell or otherwise make available municipal compost. I called to ask them about it, but they say they use it all at the landfill for various purposes.


these are up for grabs😂 every year, we have to pick up our neighbor’s leaves (we had cut down our trees, except for fruits). This is only about half in the front. I use the other half in the back for mulch.