Raspberries for the south

Here wild blackberries are too sour and small for my tastes, plus they are thorny, so not an attractive resource for me, although my wife likes them. I prefer our thornless domesticated varieties.

We also have wild black rasps, they are sweeter and just taste better, but they are outnumbered by the blackberries by prob 5 to 1. We have two tame varieties, Bristol and MacBlack which should produce their first crop this year.

wild reds are weeds here. you clearcut a forest and you have a field of raspberries until the trees start to shade them out. taste is excellent but berries are very small. my family used to pick them when i was young. i just recently found the 1st wild blackberry here. didnā€™t think they grew this far north. berry taste is very good on a nearly thornless cane but like rasps. is small. about the size of a medium rasp. still i dug some roots and planted a patch in the yard. hopefully under better conditions the berry size improves some. they should produce a crop this summer. i like the taste of both rasps and blackberry but a nice big autumn britten red rasp is probably my fave off the cane. berries the size of a average blackberry. perfect balance of sweet/ tart.

Hello in Spain (center) all the raspberries are dying.
This year I have tried two varieties ā€œParisā€ and ā€œVersaillesā€ and it seems that they go a little better.
What if they go well with heat are the Tayberry style hybrids


Itā€™s unfortunate that Raspberries donā€™t do well in the south except at higher elevations.

Dorman red is called a raspberry but is has a dewberry parent and taste like a pineapple to me. I believe was developed in Mississippi.

The best advice I got from the experts when we were trying to grow raspberries is ā€œwhen the weather gets very hot, backberries thrive and raspberries dive.ā€


Hi, Iā€™m from Spain, so Iā€™m also hot. The same thing happens to me with raspberries, this year I have tried two new varieties: paris and versailles and it seems that something else holds up.
Have you tried hybrids?
tayberry, boysonberry ā€¦ they suit me very well

Couldnā€™t agree more! I moved here from the Peoria area in 2014 to the Piedmont area. Also have some Nachez blackberries doing well but need to transfer to our farm down the road. Am going to try some Nantahala and Fall Gold raspberries in 2021 - on a hill with part/most shade and usually a good breeze to mitigate the extra heat!

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Houston, here, zone 9 a/b
Forget raspberries.
Planted varieties for the deep south
All died
This is what happened to me

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Dorman Red is not an actual raspberry but a cultivar of Wineberry Rubus phoenicolasius. That is why it grows in the heat and has a bland flavored, raspberry-like fruit. Possibly it is a hybrid between the two.

I know this is late, but the only raspberry Iā€™ve had success with in my steamy zone 8a is Prelude. It has no problems with our winters and gets its fruiting out of the way early. Then you could cut it back and sacrifice the late crop and let it put on fresh growth for the next spring. I give mine morning sun and afternoon dappled shade. Edited to add: I got mine from Pense Berry Farm.


I am in southern middle Tennessee zone 7a and have had Illini Blackberries since 2003ā€¦ I have a 30 ft long bed of them and they produce quite well. Big BlackBerries with true wild blackberry flavor (as the catalog said)ā€¦ except they are 2-3 x as big as the wild blackberries on my place.

4 or 5 years ago I started noticing a problem they were having (thru research, double blossom, rosette ?) but I have kept working with them, taking good care of them, pruning off infected parts, and even though they still have that, and it does affect production someā€¦ I still got a HUGE harvest of great berries last year.

But also just in caseā€¦ last year, far across my property and upwindā€¦ I started a 30 ft bed of Ouachitaā€¦ and they grew like crazy last year. I topped them at 4 ft, and they branched out like crazy. Expecting a good crop of those this year.

In the same location I started a bed of Raspberries tooā€¦ Heritage Red, and Fall Goldā€¦ and they grew like crazy last year too. I topped them at 4 ft and they branched out nicely too. And last fall we got lots of raspberries off the top 1/3 of the canes. They were both excellent. I like the Red Heritage best, and my wife preferred the Goldā€¦ the kids loved them all.

I also have a loganberry that I planted spring 2019 (2 plants)ā€¦ and that thing covered a 8x12 trellis and ran off the ends. We got so many berries off it last year (2020)ā€¦ we ate all the fresh berries we wanted for a couple months and still froze lots of pints of berries, that we are still eating this winter.

It is a big purple berry and for me has been a super producer so far.

They have excellent flavor, but are more tart than sweet. I like to eat them mixed with other berries, like blueberries or grapes.

Here in Zone 7a, TN, my first loganberries were getting ripe May 22ā€¦ which is a full month ahead of my Ilinni blackberries (which is nice).

So far I have had no problems with raspberries, or loganberriesā€¦ have had issue with doubleblossom on the illinni blackberries but with some care they are still producing LOTS of great berries.

I have only had the raspberries and loganberry for a short time thoughā€¦

Below is what the Loganberry looks like.

PSā€¦ I think I am going to add some black raspberries this spring. A variety called Jewel is what I am considering.

Best of luck to you.
