Re- evaluating bagging fruit

@scottfsmith showed the pic of his wasp traps (and yellow jackets, too). He had a good result with these traps.
Wasp control, any good methods - #4 by Olpea

You can try Surround if you don’t want to spray chemicals. How much rain you gets? After heavy rain, you need to reapply. I also think that fruit sox are likely to work for you without causing sunburn on your apples like plastic bags did.

Organza bags don’t work if fruit touch the bags (it happens alot when it is windy and rainy) . However, I was able to protect most of my figs with organza bags.

I have two apple trees on M27 super dwarf. They are easy to reach, bag and spray. Of course, the yield is Much less than a tree on M7 but that’s OK for me.

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