Thanks for your input. I’ll just do nothing for now. They’ll be dropping leaves in a couple months anyway. Hopefully they come in normal next spring. What kind of fertilization do you do?
it seems like a malady that has yet to be identified. I had this similar problem last year with a self-rooted cultivar(mimi) after a near-death experience due to underwatering, but luckily survived and the leaf symptoms did not recur this year. I currently have a self-rooted chico that has the same issue, and am crossing my fingers it will bounce back next year just like mimi. Will take a picture and post it here when get the chance
That would be great to see some pics. I wonder if somehow my jujube trees got skipped
a few times during the summer watering schedule. The heat around this place between June and October is downright sweltering. A young plant that gets skipped for a week can easily get sick. I hope that’s all it is. That’s the best possible explanation.
I have sporadic problem with that here in East Texas. When you look it almost looks like a fireblight burn. However I’ve got some grafted trees under shade cloth for the summer and a couple of them had it too on the upright branch. I don’t see that it occurs on anything except the upright branch and usually the highest branch there is. I don’t see it in the same trees every year and I don’t seem to see it on the mature trees.
hopefully visible here, which seem to be the same symptoms as yours. Foreground foliage has the frosty appearance and have lost their sheen, compared to foliage at the background, which is another upright stem from the same specimen
will be posting on youtube re: jujube maladies once get my photos and videos together.
after more than a decade of growing jujus and multiple varieties-- quite thankful that none of the maladies/pests proved lethal, as the jujus seem to bounce back unscathed on the next season, or even on the same season, as shown here(new growth being healthy looking)
Thanks. That’s exactly what I’ve got going on here. Frosted is the perfect description. Hopefully they’ll bounce back next season. What do you think causes it?
I wonder what’s causing it?
much as i claim some experience with jujus, i wish i knew what causes it Could be environmental, or maybe due to tiny bugs, or perhaps a bug-borne infection. What i do know is that it isn’t lethal, and that jujus bounce back from it just as they bounce back from other maladies/pests.
totally clueless as to why and clueless as to what’s behind the symptoms, just as am totally clueless as to why and how the symptoms resolve spontaneously!
anyway, currently compiling more photos and videos of jujube maladies/pests which will post asap. Some weird juju symptomatology have yet to see published.
I’m very grateful for your contribution on this thread. It has put my mind at ease. I was trying to decide what to do and now I’m fairly reassured I don’t need to do anything. They completely
skipped fruiting this year too, don’t know if this has anything to do with it. Perhaps next year will be better for them.
am confident and optimistic it will be fine, and will start producing once it bulks up. If there might be branches of other trees casting shade on it, would be good to saw them off. Jujus will survive under part shade, but won’t be as productive if not getting enough hours of direct sunlight(especially the larger-fruited varieties).
anyway, looking forward to your updates next year, and subsequent years
They get lots of sun. I planted them in the hottest, sunniest part of the yard, next to the pomegranates and figs. All the sun lovers are gathered together on the side of the property.