Rootpac-R Retail Source

Not the best time of year to be getting so much new growth on my rootstock (and the grafted wood, which will be removed in spring).

Wonder how much damage winter will do to all this new growth.

Winter here being the dozen or so freezes we get here. By dozen I mean literally maybe. 10-20 actual freezes. The most I remember in a winter was about 24, yet one of those freezes on any given year might be in the upper teens to lower 20’s.

The great thing is the photo with the most rootstock sprouting has just volunteered to be my mother stock for tooling and propagation.


Wow that is a lot of suckering already! I found your post because I’ve been looking to try some other rootstock besides citation and Myro here in Southern California. Thinking of Krymsk 86 or this Rootpac-R.


Teens might kill succulent new growth. Hopefully they’ve slowed down in the last two months.

They are all still fully leafed out though not actively growing above ground.

We’ve had 4 very light freezes here, none below 30°.

Not worried in the least I don’t think. Just excited to graft them this spring.

I think I’ll try T&G and a chip on each to make sure I have a bit of insurance.

I’ll leave one rootstock branch to insure sap flow until I see the grafts taking (as shown they each pushed a few below the graft).

I think folks usually cut these nurse branches to a handful of leaves.


I’m going to order the Krymsk 86 from Sierra. Got a estimate of $10/ea including shipping to San Diego

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