Rot on Korean Giant pears

I enjoy your posts on such topics. (true statement in spite of it sounding like junk mail intro).

I’d add that I suppose that the Cornell guidelines for commercial operation also take into account the stakes and values of a commercial grower. Success every year with high yield is essential.

Homeowner guidelines that are 90% effective 80% of years that use a fraction of the spray (numbers I’m making up) seem like a much better solution for homeowners. But worth spraying 5x or 20x as much for commercial growers to get the rest of the meat off of that bone. And to do it reliably every year with minimal uncertainty.

I share your sentiments. I’ve been eyeing my biggest Korean giant and when I saw a yellow jacket on a developing spot it had to come down. I tossed a goldrush that had split from a week and a half of constant rain. (Auto corrected to goldfish😵‍💫)

The goldrush in the front is of good size to give a sense of perspective.