Rubinette apple

Agree. With Honey Crisp, It is a good size tree. I need to get rid of more than 80%+ of flower clusters and fruitlets. It helps to take off some flowers before fruit set.

All of my apples are not in full sun so it is easy to notice which varieties are prone to biennialing. Rubinette is one of them. Honey Crisp as well.


We got our first handful of Rubinette’s last year, and a decent sized crop this year. So far I am disappointed!! For me, they are light and mealy right off the tree-- am I picking them too late? not thinning enough? My other apple varieties (6 of them this year) are all nice and crunchy-- they have a range of densities, but are all crunchy.

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Sounds likely. In my environment, at least, Rubinette has a relatively short picking window for best quality. Picked at the right time, they’re great, though not breaking crisp.


My Rubinettes were like that for several years. I almost chopped down the tree. But then they started producing awesome apples. I would definitely give it several more years.

This was an off year for me, only a couple. My tree is super biennial now unfortunately.