January 17, 2022, 8:51pm
Hey Dan, welcome to the forum! It’s always great to see new people who are growing things in novel ways. If you stick around and read/comment a bit, your trust level on the forum will increase and you will gain access to the trading section. That is the appropriate place to post your list.
I have bookmarked a few threads you might find helpful!
Arranged by ripening sequence and color. This should be enough to start a discussion.
*Earlystar:-22 yellow
*Spring Snow:-21 white
*Glenglo:-14 yellow
*Risingstar:-14 yellow
*PF9a-007:-5 yellow
*Redhaven:-0 yellow
*Blazingstar (+4)
*Challenger:+7 yellow 950 hrs chill
*Allstar:+12 yellow
*Contender:+21 yellow
*Veteran:+22 yellow
*Baby Crawford:+24 yellow
*Julyprince:+25 yellow
*Madison:+27 yellow
*Carolina Gold:+29 yellow
*PF35-007:+40 yellow
*Victoria:+45 yellow
Safe Organic Control Of Peach Leaf Curl and other Fungal Diseases
It also controls brown rot and other insects. I came up with this recipe based on the knowledge of the excellent anti-fungal properties of Melaleuca (Tea Tree) oil and vinegar. Neem oil has also some anti-fungal and insecticidal properties. The soap acts as an emulsifier and sticker. My peaches and Nectarines have been disease free. No peach leaf curl, no mildew, no brown rot on the fruits, and no aphids.
This recipe is so safe…
Here is my “low impact” spray schedule, updated from this old version - Low Impact Spray Schedule (old version) . This has been refined over about 15 years of successes and failures. My rough guide for low impact is no wide-spectrum poisons, which also means no PyGanic or rotenone. Spinosad is about as broad a poison that I use. I don’t personally draw the line at organic vs not, but this schedule is mostly organic and I will suggest some substitutions if you want to be 100% organic.
My goal