Seedling trees to graft next year- don't forget to mark them

Finding plenty of seedlings here and there I will graft next year. I usually use a bright colored water based paint to mark these. Put a tire around one to make sure I didn’t mow it off.


It’s even better to make after you graft! I mowed down a couple this year😁

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Do you ever dig them up to move them bare-root or BnB style?

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Yes @39thparallel and I moved a bunch bare root this year. You might like to read this thread Wild callery pear rootstocks

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Awesome I have a hard time getting them that big. Nothing is growing in this drought.

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In the next month or two wild callery pears will be easy to find because the leaves turn red. The tips on this one are the color I look for in the open fields. The entire plant will get a brighter red color.

Let’s hope all these seedlings are big enough to graft over this year to some nice juicy delicious sweet pears!

Wow, that tire is a great idea! Bitzz, oops, happens a lot here…
Pear seedlings and even suckers happen a lot under two of our pears, and a tire or two would keep them till big enough to pop up and move :slight_smile:

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