Seeds from China

Ah, a true master of concision-precision! If I ran The Atlantic, I would hire you.


Every few days I play a game with my wife. What did you order from China this time. Sometimes its my order sometimes hers. Rarely can we remember when we placed the order. We have been brushed once. Received a digital line tester for no reason, so it absolutly does happen.

All of the Chinese seeds I ordered were known coming from China.

I was solicited once to participate in a Chinese companies Amazon review farming. I take that back, in lots of our amazon orders there are often cards for free gifts if we leave a 5 star review. I did once and 6 months later received the 25W USB-C charger that was promised. I learned a couple of days ago that that was also review farming and amazon is cracking down on it. But I have to give it to them they were true to their word.


I ordered a shirt for my son late last year from Amazon, presumably from an American seller. I totally forgot about it. It arrived this summer, from Singapore.

I guess they had to make it.

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ordered 6 fantastic Halloween/gothic image shits from singapore. $4 each free shipping. Unfortunalty that vendor went out of business likely for charging to little.

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I was one of those people that got the seeds…. I’m pretty sure I didn’t order them (sarcastically understated). Seriously though I couldn’t identify the seeds but thinking of kudzu they went in the trash……:wink: