Some blueberry variety talk mainly Sweetcrisp and Springhigh my favorites

I first tried using small pots and Summer (softwood) cuttings,with a plastic bag covering and had very limited positive results.The trouble is,keeping the leaves moist until roots form.This method probably works better with Winter (hardwood) pieces,as there are no leaves,but when growth does come,that needs some moisture for awhile.
Then,a couple years ago,I saw this video and that helped a lot.I tried to put a link here, but somehow, it didn’t play.It is on Youtube and entitled,Propagation of Blueberry Cuttings Using Fog.
I made a version of the one in the video and have about 60-70% success with Blueberries.Other plants can be even higher.
Here is mine.The pond fogger can be bought on Ebay for about $10.

Sometimes I’ll use two foggers,if the temperatures are hot.I recommend getting some as backups.Sometimes they stop working.
I use Perlite and Peat moss mixed at about 60/40 to 70/30.
I also purchased a used Mist-a-Matic,that works well,but the fogger setup does a very good job and is much less expensive.
Softwood and hardwood cuttings can both be done this way.After taking some during the late Winter pruning,I put them in dampened Peat moss baggies and store in the refrigerator until being stuck in the bed. Brady