
I can see that there could be problems, and that some people might not have their neighbors in mind when deciding to do such things. But I’m willing to bet it’s the type of regulation that is in place to use as needed for egregious cases. But that gets into the philosophy of regulation,doesn’t it? My concern is that it goes on and people should consider all the aspects, which you have added too.

I have somewhat less confidence in the ‘research’ done as a basis for such lawmaking. There is, for instance, greatly conflicting evidence that house cats are a dire threat to bird populations, built upon one study which has been cited ever since in the media and elsewhere. Obviously I live where nature is a constant presence, and I don’t do anything without careful consideration. If you have better ways to handle such problems I think most people would be glad to know.

I’m pretty well informed about the regulations in my state (Vermont). If you want to do more research please let me know what you find. The only fine I came across in my quick internet dive was in California.

I think if I captured a native little Red Squirrel I would release him on the spot. he can live here.

it’s the invasives that have taken over here, I’ll trap and release until the day I’m allowed to start eating them.

I do release them into a park where people literally go to feed them. for some reason they do that. they’ll get fatter there than here, certainly

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I’m fairly certain my wife’s sense of humor is not the same as mine on this one.


#@&$ Squirrels!
Seeing the young squirrels grow up all summer has made me soft and complacent…
My beloved persimmon recently planted was defiled by these vicious vermin!
Put the graft into a cup of water so I can attempt to graft it back on tonight. This will not be soon forgotten!

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Just got my first tube trap on Friday, already caught 5 squirrels. Those traps work great.


I got my Fuji apples out of the storage fridge and wish I had a lot more. Which the squirrels got instead of me.


They require careful maintenance to keep working… if they fire blank (e.g. a bird sets it off) the wire U will bend and it needs to be bent back. Also the triggers can either be too sensitive (goes off from a bird) or too insensitive (squirrel walks all over it and takes all the bait and it never goes off). I have to fiddle with them constantly and even with that they are usually not all working at 100%. Right now of my five two I can’t get to fire well.

That said I have caught a great many squirrels this year with them. The tube and Kania traps have been the best by far this year. The squirrelinator traps are not working well at all this year. Who knows why.

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I seamed to have gotten a good one, I have not needed to adjust the trigger yet.
I have it set up on the top of a wood stockade fence (a squirrel highway) I bait it with a smear of peanut butter on the ceiling above the trigger pan.

Tube trap still working great. I’ve been using it for just over 3 months and have caught 30 squirrels. Have not had a single mis-fire with it.
I highly recommend this trap for eliminating squirrels.


My results using the tube trap were not good. I watched all the videos and set the trigger to go off if an ant so much as farted on it. It was always empty and the bait was gone. Squirrelinator will continue to be my go to trap.

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@visceral is the trap being triggered off? Where are you placing the bait at ? Could it be something other than a squirrel that is triggereing it off ?

Last week I caught #65 with my squirrelinator. Have used it now for 2 years. The frequency of squirrels visiting is definitely lower. My biggest challenge lately has been keeping it baited because my raccoons steal the bait. So I had to try different ways to shield the bait to keep their pesky paws out of the cage. I am very happy with its results. Best bait I have found is peanuts in the shell and some cracked crumbs around the outside to attract bird feeding, squirrels hear the birds chirping and run to join the party!
Kent, Wa


The tubes are very fickle … sometimes they are working great and sometimes they are either ghost firing or never firing. Also birds can steal the bait. I have been working on tweaking the piece of metal the pin is attached to to get a better fire but it’s not easy. I also put some bait under the trip pan which the birds can’t get.

Bait stealing in general is a big issue. On my squirrelintors the birds and deer both eat the bait. Plus the occasional raccoon or possum or groundhog. The birds can eat the bait inside and outside. The other animals can only get the outside bait but that is what attracts the squirrels in. I learned to stake the traps so they can’t be moved, otherwise they will get pushed around to get at the bait. Also if a squirrel is trapped and I have not gotten to it the fox will be pushing the trap all over the place and making a general mess.

Over all, every year seems to be different. This last year the Kania’s were my saviors, they trapped maybe 3/4th of the squirrels I got. The squirrelinators were total duds, I stopped baiting them after awhile. The tube traps were sometimes good sometimes not. I would recommend using all three types if you have serious squirrel issues like I do.

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The Squirrelinator looks like a good trap. I live in the city limits, and all the neighbors feed the “furry tail rats” so dispatching them would take one more process. The tube trap is working good for me so far, and its in a good location for squirrel traffic, but not visible for anyone but me. Taking a dead squirrel out of it and disposing in the trash is pretty easy.

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My family thinks that Im a little “off” because i keep count of how many squirrels that I’ve eliminated . :wink:

I am sorry that I didn’t post this immediately, but I have a friend who was dealing with an indoor rodent issue and who had only good things to say about this product, having tried more traditional methods before.

Has anyone tried this on squirrels?

@treefrog1 It certainly could be a racoon or possum. I put the bait on top of the tube above the bait station. I also put it on the bait station. For me its easier to use the squirrelinator even though I have to dispatch them with lead.

I actually went out one morning to find a juvenile racoon hanging out inside my squirrelinator. He had squeezed in somehow. :man_shrugging:

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Kania 2000 is a great squirrel trap.

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First night I put my squirrelinator trap out, I awoke to find a young skunk in mine.