"Starter" Pawpaw variety recommendations?

I’m basically set on Shenandoah and KSU-Chappell at this point unless someone comes out and has some very negative things to say about them. contemplating ordering them now from edible landscaping (they are in stock) and keeping them in my garage for the winter with my figs, then planting out in the spring. I’ll likely pick up another cultivar or 2 from peaceful heritage if I can snag them this summer. I want to get one of their white mulberries anyway based on @Richard 's information (honeydrops) so might as well order some more! right now leaning towards Nyomi’s delicious as an early season cultivar and Tropical Treat as a late season cultivar, but I’m sure my opinions could change by the time their sales roll around and their availability. their color break is of interest, not to mention high praise from @Blake in his book.