Starting sweet potatoes for slips

No. Copper jewel. Orange flesh, but the foliage does have the tinge.

So, in this relatively short amount of time, the original potato has completely rotted. So I took all of the slips that were still alive, rooted them, and they are growing on separately now.

This is one of the two pots, I have a total of about 13 growing, and I’m hoping that they’ll get long enough that I can take yet another set of cuttings off of these before it’s time to plant. However, the growth so far (since the original sweet potato rotted and I rooted them) is sloooooowwwwwwwwww.

I did that this winter! I now have a nice house plant. But our winters are very long.

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I’m wondering why it rotted. Considering people start them IN WATER and they last a while, and I used a well drained media!

Maybe too hot? The heat mat kept it close to 90. It sprouted FAST…but maybe the heat rotted it?