Stone Fruit Diseases are worse on wet years


" My mom used bleach on roses once for leaf spot and it never came back after that" You mean the leaf spot, not the roses that did not come back, right? :smile:

I am interested. Do you know what was the bleach/water per gal ratio your mother use. I have black spot on roses but I spray them with wettable sulfur once in a while. Sometimes, I spray them with Immunox. Either one seems to work but Immunox seem to work better and longer. Most of the times, I just donā€™t spray. .

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Interesting to know the vinegar/water ratio and any other added ingredient to this black spot remedy too.

She told me she used 10% bleach mixture. So 10 parts water to 1 part household bleach that comes from the store. This is the rose bush with her walking onions and peppermint growing at the base of it.

4-5 years ago I got bad leaf curl on some peaches trees, the year after I planted them. I pulled off every affected leaf- I felt a bit weird to carefully dispose of leavesā€¦But, I havenā€™t seen any PLC since, until this year. Again, it is showing up on several 2nd year trees (not the same trees that got it last time). I wonder if trees come from the nursery with the spores. Or, maybe young trees are just more susceptible.

I live with a bit of blackspot, I try and plant resistant varieties, biggest thing Iā€™ve done is started using very low firing sprinklers and only watering the soil. not wetting the leaves helps, but it rains here in the summer. So, cā€™est la vie.

Bleach formulations have changed over the years. Now stronger, for tomatoes I heard a 6-7% solution,
About 5 to 5.5 ounces per gallon. Seems like a lot!

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If youā€™re going to grow roses, unless you live in California, black
spot is a fact of life. Spraying a bleach concoction on an occasional
basis will have little, if any effect. You must spray a good fungicide
on a regular.basis. I spray my roses every two weeks, from the time I spring
prune them, until the first freeze.

My mom only has the one rose so for her it worked. If someone is growing more than one they might want to get serious about growing them.

Thatā€™s very true. I sprayed the pear with the vinegar solution,
and as you said, the leaves are turning black. Hope it does the
trick, but if I lose the tree, I already know what Iā€™m going to plant
in its place. LOL


Hit it again sometime later this week and again if you need to until it gets under control. Iā€™ve never lost one to the vinegar water yet but I sure always lose them to that fireblight if I donā€™t try and stop it.