Strange Interactions with Non-Fruit People

I agree with you. I was just being a smart ass. I do have respect for nature as it could kill me at any second. Almost has more times then I want to admit to. Hence my comment. Nature is about the only place I feel comfortable in. I like taking a rod and net and fishing off docks at my cottage. Alone, It’s my zen. Back to the basics of life. Eat, sleep, hunt, farm, and take joy in being here.
I have always been irked at our ability to deny our own nature. A huge flaw that keeps us from understanding our own behavior. Let alone each others.


100% but so few of us feel that way, it just becomes so much more evident when around people that have such a fear of nature.


This is also one reason I don’t live in the PNW. I need my nine months of t-shirt weather, if for no other reason than so that my plants mature sooner. :smiley:


Mmmmm…reminds me of the NileRed video on YouTube where he reduced some vinyl gloves into that grape flavoring turned it into grape soda.


Interactions with fruit people can be even stranger.



This thread is introducing some much needed humor in my life.


why i grow so many fruits that most in the area have no idea what it is. if things go south in the country, thieves will have no idea my plantings are food. a food forest lay out further hides the fruiting plants/ trees with other non-food producing plants and medicinals. i also have groundnut and Jerusalem artichoke that no one realizes is food.


But is she really “your boss” or the boss of the company? Anyway, that was hilarious! :grinning:


This is probably the most telling statement about the state of affairs in our country and why we all need to continue to do our best to educate our friends and family about the dangers of wild food and healthy fruit and vegetables. We wouldn’t want to sacrifice corporate profits for the benefit of improving our own lives.


My wife was once leading a hike and one of the program participants said “green means go, right?” right before planning to put a random berry they found in their mouth. Ignorance of reality can be mind blowing sometimes.


Grapples are real. They are apples infused with grape candy flavoring. I have never had them or seen them for sale. They sell them mostly in the south from what I hear. They are not a hybrid and your friend just does not know what a grapple is.


In regards to this thread I think it was Plato to Socrates who said “I know that I know nothing”. We all know our lanes and we may think we know something more than we know. I know more about USPS than anyone on this thread but someone working the networking side of IT will know more about networking in IT than I will ever know. I will likely never know as much as Alan or Olympia who do these things for a living. Someone who likes to cross stitch for a hobby will know more about cross stitching than me because it is their hobby. I know my lanes but I will never know my lanes as much as someone who makes it their career and I will never know other people’s lanes who have invested hours learning it as their hobby. Like I said it literally goes way back to famous philosophers.


Farmer Fred has 10 rules of gardening.
One of them is
“Everything you know is wrong”

I spent 8 years with the USPS. Not much to know :smirk: well except everybody working there is overqualified. Sorry inside joke.


It’s not just fruit. Lot of people have no idea how much is involved in growing food for millions of people.


People sometimes ask me what I’m harvesting in the middle of February here in NY. Of course they are often confused by Asian Pears which seem so apple like and Hudson’s Golden Gem, which seems so pear like.

Does your boss call herself a pear because she has a pear shape?


Most people here in Kansas are pretty close to the land in the respect that many have had a garden or at least remember their grandparents tomatoes. As far as fruit trees go they usually know very little but may remember a fruit tree in someones yard. I did have an “expert” from a local nursery tell me to rip out all plants once they get a disease at the garden show i attended. My friends looked at me as if to say well the expert said it so it must be true. That next year i totally eliminated the disease from my property and have never saw it again. The grapes had blackrot annd are doing fantastic to this day! Many people grow things here the old fashioned way by accident. Once a disease shows up thats the end of the road. My thought is to always observe what the disease is and treat it. Those first years of fruit growing are the honeymoon. The later years seperate the fruit growers from other people once diseases arrive.


This is actually the most accurate statement in this discussion :sweat_smile:


I speak as there are things you have to learn at the Post Office just to not get screwed over. A good clerk will make efforts to learn the union contract and to learn what can and cannot be done to avoid discipline and be able to use things like breaks. A OIC tried denying my vacation bid as the most senor employee and I easily won my vacation for example. Another example is my Postmaster in my current office has tried cutting me under my scheduled hours by trying to force me to leave early which is a big no no as a full timer. The people who get the best benefits at the Post Office are those who know the union contract and I think it is similar with many union jobs.


Years ago when I was doing tree removal, I had a guy ask me what kind of tree do walnuts grow on?
At first, I thought he was joking.


I worked in a small town for a couple years then transferred to the third largest city in Michigan. The difference in management was day and night. Management in the large city was terrible. I was in a situation where there was a lot more work than employees. I was good at it, management never bothered me. People they didn’t like they tried to screw over and yes the union helped them out. I felt it worked both ways and the unions was just as corrupt as management. Since both left me alone I never had any issues. One guy got fired for spitting in the supervisors face. A year later he was reinstated with full back pay and benefits. He called in his first day back. That guy not only should have been fired he should have been arrested.
The behavior of the union was just as disgusting as management. Two wrongs don’t make a right in my book.