Stress level in fruit tree’s

Interesting side note here: I grew in Puerto Rico, in the valley of Caguas to be specific. This location is relevant because for my entire childhood, and including a good chunk of my adulthood, there were lots of mango trees but none of them would fruit. This was more striking by the fact that trees elsewhere went gang busters every year. If you haven’t seen a wild mango tree it is a monster of a tree and they get covered in mangos. Lo and behold nowadays mango trees are putting out mangos there.

I don’t know what it was but something changed enough that the entire region is now conductive to them fruiting.

I use Espoma hollytone fertilizer. Strong nitro fertilizer is a Nono. Only acidic stuff. You could add cotton seed meal, this stuff takes a while to break down, I use this stuff for my blueberry plants and finally rainwater.

Thank you…

I’ve been using hollytone on it…

I’ll just keep checking on it and hoping it sprouts back… I fear it might have gotten overwatered when it was brought outside.


One more thing, Jaboticaba do not like temps under 47*’ it doesn’t want to do anything.

thank you.

I really hope that I’ve seen the last of those temperatures for the season… But who knows. i’ll keep you posted on its progress, though I may just purchase another.


Hollytone really works. I appreciate you recommending it last year to me. My jabos love it! D