Striping leaves on central leader


I think I don’t particularly follow any practice but probably partial with organic side due to its freely availability for the taking, like horse manure! I guess when it comes to maintain the balance of things, I would love to keep cost down to minimum.



I owned the tree for over 6 years but the soil is replaced every 2, 3 years with root trim at that time. With no annual fruit to show, I’m sure the tree is underfed. I’m glad to get feedback from the experts and will look up for amending new soil for it. Would it be late to repot now that summer is progressing and everything has hit it spring growth spurt?


Well, probably a little late, but you might get some blooming if you can push new growth. Dyna Gro Foliage Pro will work quiclky, then Osmocote Plus will pick up the slack. LOTS of sun, very important.

You have my head a spinning thinking about stripping the leaves on my June apples to see if I can get two crops per year. Guess I need to wait and see if I can get one crop first. Bill