Success of cuttings? Mexican Limes' refusal to bloom

I’m going to try, what else have I got to lose :slightly_smiling:
From what I read, it works very well, and is used commercially in Italy.

Just a quick update: So I tried this water starving method to stimulate blooms, and wouldn’t you know it…IT WORKED!!! So, I’m not sure if it was just it’s time to bloom, or the water starving method worked, but I now have a Mexican lime with about 15-20 blooms. Still not a full flush, but certainly nice to see :slight_smile:
Meanwhile on the cuttings side, killed another stick…Grrr. Still haven’t got that one dialled in lol


Now feed it well, quench its thirst, and keep it happy so that it doesn’t drop all the fruitlets. You may wind up with another flush in 4 to 6 weeks.

Congratulations on your blooms!


Thanks, we’ll do. Gave it a couple of gallons of water-soluble Miracle Grow. That was one stubborn tree. Guess it’s only 2 years old as well, and doing more work below ground.

So, just a quick 4 year update, that little 2 year old tree is now a 6 year old monster that blooms like crazy. In fact several flushes a year. This year I estimate there are right now, over 200 limes at various stages of growth.