
For those growing both, how do tayberries compare to wyeberries? Also, where are you all getting them? I can’t find either for sale.

I grew Tayberries for a few years,facing south,with an aluminum building as a backdrop.Even late May into June,just a few hot days,started cooking the fruit.So,I guess it may be best to give these an open place,with some air circulation.
I agree,very thorny and to me,taste more like Raspberry,just a little different and sweet.

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That’s unfortunate because summers here are hot. Spring isn’t blazing but there are days it gets quite warm. Maybe these could benefit with a little shade?

@JVD tayberries are available at both raintree nursery and one green world. There may be other places that offer them as well, I have seen them in a seed catalog but I don’t remember which one it was as we usually end up with three or so.


@757Will … I am in southern middle TN zone 7a… and have my Logan planted in a bed on the backside of my house… against a wall that faces due east. It gets lots of morning sun but no direct sunlight from mid day until sundown. And it seems vvery VERY happy with that. It is a monstrous bush of a thing… that completely covers 8 x 12 trellis and produces SO many nice berries.

I get more berries from two loganberry crowns… than I do for 7 ouachitaw blackberrie crowns.

In my location…looks like a nice sunny morning sun only location is perfect for logans. I expect tay would well like that too.

I see you are in z8a… even warmer than me… avoiding evening sun may be even more important for you. Some berries are subject to sun scald when getting too much hot evening sun. I have not had any of that with my logans.

Good luck


Thanks! I have a few spots in mind now.

The problem is I’m in Michigan and they have to be protected and grow smaller here. Usually they finish here around July 15th. But that is early for here.
Photo taken 07-15-2019

Wyeberries are just like Boysenberries, slightly bigger and a week earlier in ripening. They taste exactly the same. They probably are a seedling of boysen. So they are somewhat tart and early for here.
Photo also taken the 15th. Quite tart compared to tayberry. They are only alike in the fact they ripen very early. About the same time as tayberry.

For me to grow both of these I have to protect the canes elese our winters would kill them. If you think they don’t like hot weather, well they hate cold weather and I have to bury the canes in leaves to get any berries.
I love berries, I need to add Logan, I have to find a place to put them!
Got berries? Currently I have 4 gallons of raspberries left, gotta love it!

A rainbow of raspberries!

Raspberries, blueberries, blackberries oh my!


I have loganberry it’s taste when ripe is like tart raspberry mixed with watermelon. My issue with it is it’s lack of vigor (it did get hit by borers) and lack of overall production (in comparison to raspberries and blackberries). Likely just not super happy in my climate…I’m planning on axing it and replacing with an earlier blackberry (have Loch Ness and tripplecrown)

Tayberry is not productive for me either, but I love the berries so much. Many people pick berries too early. the calyx should be brown and crispy. Although the sweetness I taste could be just how they grow here. Definitely sweeter than my raspberries. Although they also vary by cultivar and also some yearly variation in favor depending on growing conditions for any particular season.


Even the Logan’s have a very unique and appealing sweat flavour when perfectly ripe

Yeah sounds like I would like them. I’m going to find a spot…

Tayberries have quite a unique flavour. Sweet with a fair bit of tartness but nice tartness. Very productive.
Of the hybrid berries I personally prefer tummelberries which are delicious.

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I’ve never heard of tummelberries…

Care to share what you know?


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Where can I find tummelberries?

My experience with logans is… if you do wait until they are perfectly ripe… they are about 4 hours or less from being spoiled (too far gone).

And yes in that final stage sweet and no chewing… they just melt in your mouth… wonderful.

If you pick them a little earlier than that… very similar to raspberry…

Late June here when the heat comes on…
The ripening gets faster and you have to check them 2 or 3 times a day… to get them in that perfect final stage.

My logans are just a short distance from my back door… like 20 ft… and that helps… I can check them easily several times a day.

They’re just another hybrid berry that look similar to Tayberries, albiet a little darker. Very sweet, very tangy, and a very hard to describe flavour. I’m in europe, not sure where you’d get them in the US.

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Isons has Boysenberry, Dewberry, Loganberry, Marionberry and Tayberry

groworganic sells Olallieberry

Youngberry- i cant find it for sale…looks like Hirts has it sometimes.

I have 3 plants of Thornless Boysenberry from Pense… but they came in as plugs last spring so i will know more about them this coming year.

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in the UK right now. if it turns out to be good it will show up at Gurneys eventually… they will probably name it Tummy Berry and charge $25/plant for it. lol.

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They do best in cool weather.
Perfect in the Puget Sound Lowlands.
Soft fruit doesn’t keep well.
Good production and strong flavor.

Updating my progress with thornless boysenberry from Pense. They were not thornless…instead they were ultra thorny. I ended up buying 5 plants from Rudolph Boysens grand daughter… they are doing amazing. The ones from Pense have struggled.

This spring i ordered Tayberry and Marionberry from Pense…they came in as plugs.

Now that the plants are grown and showing their traits…

Tayberry- its growing erect with stout canes and thorny. The plants just put on flowers and are forming berries in September. I think its Prime Ark Horizon or PA45.

Marionberry- is growing thornless and canes are all over the place… probably natchez or navaho.

So looks like i will have to pull all of these plants and start over.

I ordered Ponca from them last year and the plants are very weird… they grow really erect but the laterals arent getting more than a few inches from the cane. The whole cane is covered with leaves and looks pretty though. Ive never seen this behavior.