That pesky elm tree sprout crowding your apple tree - copper nails

Found a black locust tree on my property half dead and on closer examination look what I found

Yes those are Copper jacketed bullet slugs. This property turns up plenty of empty cartridges , slugs, horse drawn gear etc. these relics from the past are likely not as old as some based on the style. I suspect I now know how a lot of the old raccoon den trees were made. Someone target shooting and that portion of the tree dies and rots away. I pulled these slugs out of the rotten wood. You learn something new all the time. There was water here in old days and still is now so there is history in a place like this. This is an artifact left that was once someone’s dreams
What’s left of that old pump was just one of several artifacts that I found close to the pond. The water hole there is very old. Copper from time to time turns up here because it lasts longer than the old lead slugs.