Your buddies carpified Brevera Blanca looks extraordinary!!
All the pictures he posts of caprified figs are amazing. Even the Common varieties, like the one’s in the next pictures, benefit from the pollination process and always make me drool.
Just a few portuguese common varieties caprified (i have all of them and many more and they are excellent even without pollination, but these pictures sure make me double my efforts of trying to introduce the wasp over here).
Sofeno Preto
Violeta (the ancestor of Black Madeira/Figo Preto)
Wow, some of the best looking figs I have ever seen! Such awesome looking fruit! I believe at times we get to see some of the best fruit in the world on this forum! Please keep sharing photos! VDB is my favorite here but I don’t grow that many varieties yet. Strangely I do not like pale fleshed figs but love the dark red flesh ones like above, beautiful!!
Breba 2nd leaf Desert King
Baby Brown Turkey figs off tree I just rescued from owner who had it in too small a pot. Much happier up potted to 35g and fertilized.
I was reading on the figs sites that some believe a strain of Panache from Just Fruit & Exotics grows better and fruits earlier. I don’t remember where I got mine? But it looks to ripen fruit even in my short season. It’s doing well. I still have 2 months of good weather, these should be ripe by then.
I’m curious how it’s going to taste. I’ve read a number of comments over
the years, that it’s not very good outside of California.
You know I’m mostly growing rimadas for ornamental reasons. For 30 years I grew tropicals, and I just like this fig, I’m getting Jolly Tiger too again just for ornamental reasons. In the recent thread mention of this new strain the guy said it was fantastic and in PA I think? I know he mentions that it is fruiting in August for him, and taste is excellent. I really do find all gardening is local, and one bad month can make all figs taste so so. I was discussing this with fruitnut. How figs are very unlike stone fruit in that respect. I have heard they don’t taste well brought in and ripened up, but looks like I won’t have to do that.
This strain is not the old Panache. Much like strains of Black Madeira differ a lot. It needs to be tested, I’ll let you know.
Our Neighbours will have a huge harvest with their fig tree!
The good thing is that i can also enjoy them
Figs don’t ripen any further, after they’ve been picked.
Been eating Battgalia Green’s last few days and properly ripened
(Golden Yellow) have been outstanding. On a 1-10, they’ve been 11’s.
I meant bring plants in, not figs. I could do that I have cannabis grade lights. I won’t though, as the wife would kill me. They suck electricity like crazy. Same with putting them in a greenhouse, just not as good.
Yes I had some B. Green last year for the first time. I added Strawberry Verte, and JH Adriatic to compare.
Are those main crop already or breba?
Good, I was wondering! I harvested some wood this winter, seems to have stopped any breba production. I do have a couple Valle Negra’s almost ripe. It had four brebas, I also though harvested wood off of that one too. So it tells me nothing!
You finally have achieved TRUE WISDOM, Grasshopper.
Looking great! I need rain too, it may this weekend, hoping so!
Kicking off my 2017 fig season with a nice breakfast treat- breba from my Teramo unk-sweet, mild and creamy. My palate mightve been jaded by the plateful of wild bluleberry pancakes I ate just before…
Yes they are good! I’m prepping steel cut oatmeal with my fresh blueberries this morning, speaking of blueberries. I also had Breba on Valle Negra too, those too were excellent
Had my first homegrown fig today! I think I let it get over ripe, but it was still good. Actually had a peachy taste to it. I was so worried about picking under ripe… I’ll pick sooner next time. Hope to get more this season. This is Hardy Chicago that died to the ground this spring. Had to split this one 4 ways, but my wife and children liked it a lot too and are looking forward to more. I’ll be looking for more Hardy cultivars to plant next year!