My recent post listing the seedlings and grafted varieties gave a good idea of the total size of the collection, but not necessarily how many of those I’ll be making available for local distribution next spring. Here’s that group:
Which includes (sorta clockwise from right side):
- (6x) Duke seedlings (top-right diagonal row)
- (11x) Royal-Wright seedlings (diagonal row through the middle)
- (5x) Bacon seedlings (bottom-left row)
- (5x) Grafted varieties (top-left near the figs)
- (4x) Mexicola seedlings (top cluster in center-left)
- (2x) Aravaipa seedlings (large & medium-large pot in top, center-right)
- (1x) Zutano seedling (centered just below the top)
Which, if my counting skills are functional, adds up to 34 trees in total. A few of these are second-year seedlings, but most of them were first germinated about a year ago or in early spring of this year. The grafted varieties might get one or two additions depending on how some recent grafts grow this fall and in the spring, but the 5 in that photo are:
- Brazos Belle
- Linh
- Jade
- Del Rio
- a mystery ortet with black fruit vaguely resembling Mexicola, found growing in a central California public park
I’ll be sending out a sign-up link in the next couple weeks, where people can join the project and indicate how many trees they would want to trial, and I’ll deliver them in mid-to-late spring some time. I’m only going to include people living in essentially my same regional climate (zone 8+ in lowlands of WA, maybe down to Portland area at the furthest).