My greenhouse is running behind schedule, so I thought I’d do a “baby photos” update as the last one before the big move.
I’ve got quite a few seedlings germinating, which will be among the first trees I will plant out that could have any real hope of survival (in about a year). These are all from seeds that I got from other growers, and have unknown pollen parents (though likely many are self-pollinated). Therefore, their hardiness will be even less certain than the crosses I’ll be making myself over the coming years.
If none of this first round make it I’ll keep working on the greenhouse frankentrees and start crossing the various varieties more intentionally.
First off, some of the oldest seedlings, these of Mexicola Grande:
You may notice they don’t look so great, but they are both just starting a new vegetative flush. Their sickly demeanor is a result of spending 4 weeks on the patio in winter to test hardiness at this size. Over that period, they experienced five nights below freezing, including consecutive nights of 28 and 29°F. I brought them in 2 weeks ago to avoid a 27° night, and decided to let them stay under the lights as a reward for surviving that ordeal. I left one outside in its pot, and it’s still alive but suffering a lot (no photo this time around).
Next up, the newest additions, three of the seeds I had just started germinating in my last update (“Purple Cream Cheese”) that already had taproots emerging yesterday, very rapidly compared to most other avocado seeds I’ve germinated:
Here’s a couple Bacon seedlings that spent those same 4 weeks of winter outside, but much earlier in their development (one immediately upon germination, the other 2 weeks further along):
Finally, a few of the Royal-Wright seeds that are just beginning to sprout, including the last one that was having trouble splitting its seed, so I just gave it a little help with the grafting knife:
And as a teaser for next time, a photo of the still unfinished greenhouse (getting close!)