There is Yet Hope for Goji Berries (My Experiences)

I have the Life Berry also, two in fact. It grows so well I cant bare to kill it. Its on the north facing side of the house with a fence in front, and it still grows. Has anyone tried this yellow fruit type?


As I found out by accident recently, Goji can be picked pretty late. I haven’t paid them much attention, but I noticed some after everything else was picked in the yard (and after it got down to 15-20F). The fruit was actually better than I remembered. Not great, but I ate it without spitting it out…

My wife and mother in law were both happy with it and suggested I plant more. Though I feel like one big bush is enough, as it took me a while to pick a bit over 1/3 of a pint. :slight_smile:

I dried them on the window sill.

In the background (behind the jujube pits), you can see some goji which have been drying for a few weeks. I think I picked those from a root sucker of this plant which I moved to a rental property.

For reference, this plant was a un-named cultivar from Burnt Ridge. They describe it as a “Lycium barbarum”.